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Max Payne 3

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Walkthroughs for Max Payne 3 on PC

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Max Payne 3 Cheats

Successfully complete the game under the Medium difficulty setting.

Get a kill with every weapon. Note: The armored car that is destroyed with the rocket launcher in Chapter 13 will not count. However, there is another rocket launcher nearby when you pick up the one from the corpse. After you destroy the armored car with the first rocket, pick up the second launcher and use it to kill one of the advancing soldiers.

In Chapter 13, kill six police through the windows in the next building while riding the push cart. If you were unsuccessful, immediately reload from the checkpoint. Note: If you kill the remaining police in the next building, another auto save checkpoint appears, locking you out from retrying the push cart sequence in this chapter.

Go to Chapter 10, Checkpoint 12. Destroy the first grenade. When your Bullet Time is full, get ten kills during a single Bullet Time. Note: Kills from explosions will not qualify.

Reach checkpoint 2 in Chapter 2. Note: This is after a cinematic. Shoot in a clockwise direction, starting from the top man, to the right, then down to the bottom one. Body shots are acceptable under the easy difficulty setting, however you will have to hit him twice. However, head shots on all of the targets are recommended. If you fail, reload the checkpoint.

At story mode acquire all of golden gun pieces. Then after you start that level again you can unlock unlimited ammo.

Effectively finish this game on the Hard difficulty to unlock Hardcore difficulty.

Successfully complete Story mode under the Old School difficulty setting. This is a pixelated Max Payne, based the Game Boy Advance version.

Successfully complete the game.

Successfully complete the game under the Hard difficulty setting.

Effectively finish this game on the Hard difficulty to unlock Unlimited Painkillers.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding cheat when any level is replayed through the "Level Select" option. Note: Enabling cheats will prevent achievements and trophies from becoming unlocked.

Bullet Cam on Every Kill: Find all clues.
One-Hit Kill: Complete the game under the Hardcore difficulty with Free Aim.
Unlimited Ammo: Collect all golden gun pieces.
Unlimited BulletTime: Earn a gold-medal score on all levels in Arcade mode.
Unlimited Painkillers: Complete the game under the Hard difficulty with Free Aim.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHOw to unlock

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