Alchemy Fusion (Android)

Various Recipes

Combine the indicated elements to create the corresponding item.

RecipeHow to unlock
AircraftCarrier Fighter + Ship
AirplaneCar + Steam
AirshipHydrogen + Balloon
AlcoholSugar + Fruit
AlgaeOcean + Life
AlienStars + Life
AluminumAir + Metal
AmberResin + Time
AmbulanceCar + Hospital
AnchorChain + Ship
AngelLight + Life
AnimalEarth + Lizard
AppleFruit + Tree
Apple PieApple + Dough
AquariumGlass + Fish
ArableEarth + Tools
ArchipelagoTwo Island
ArmchairChair + Pillow
ArmyTwo Soldier
ArrowBow + Feather
AshCigarette + Fire
AshtrayAsh + Glass
AsiaPorcelain + Continent
AstronautMan + Moon
AtlasBook + Road
Atom BombUranium + Weapon
AustraliaContinent + Country
AvalancheMountains + Snow
BaconPig + Fire
BacteriaSwamp + Life
BallWheel + Canvas
BalloonCanvas + Fire
BallpenInk + Feather
BambooAsia + Tree
BananaMonkey + Fruit
BandageBlood + Canvas
BankHouse + Money
BarAlcohol + House
BatAnimal + Vampire
BatmanBat + Hero
BeachSand + Sea
BearAnimal + Forest
BeaverAnimal + Dam
BedPillow + Wood
BeeBeetle + Flower
BeehiveBee + Wood
BeerAlcohol + Can
BeetSugar + Seeds
BeetleBug + Earth
BenchPark + Wood
BicycleTwo Wheel
BillsMoney + Paper
BirdEgg + Steam
Black HoleSun + Time
BlizzardSnow + Wind
BloodNeedle + Man
BlueberriesFruit + Grass
BoatTrolley + Sea
BoneDog + Meat
BookPaper + Man
BootsSidewalk + Skin
BowHunter + Wood
BreadFurnace + Dough
BrickClay + Fire
BridgeRoad + River
BugEarth + Plankton
BulbGlass + Electricity
BunkerHouse + Earth
ButterflyAir + Bug
CableRope + Electricity
CactusDesert + Tree
CageAquarium + Metal
CamelAnimal + Desert
CameraDrawing + Microprocessor
Camera LensCamera + Lens
CampfireGrill + Wood
CanAluminum + Glassful
CanalRoad + Ship
CandleWax + Fire
CandlestickCandle + Silver
CandyCaramel + Stone
CandyflossSugar + Cotton
CannedTwo Metal
CanvasCotton + Tools
CaoutchoucTree + Juice
CapeHero + Clothes
CarCombustion Engine + Wheel
CaramelSugar + Fire
Carbon DioxideMan + Air
CardsGambling + Paper
CarpetCanvas + Drawing
CarriageHorse + Trolley
CaseSkin + Clothes
CastawayIsland + Man
CastleStone + Knight
CatAnimal + Milk
CaveDragon + Mountains
CavemanMan + Cave
CaviarFish + Egg
CDBook + Laser
CementDust + Fire
CemeteryTwo Grave
CeramicsClay + Man
ChainRope + Metal
ChairBench + House
ChampagneWine + Sparkling water
CheeseMilk + Fire
ChocolateCocoa + Sugar
CigarTwo Tobacco
CigaretteTobacco + Paper
CinemaHouse + Film
CircusElephant + Tent
ClawsAnimal + Weapon
ClaySwamp + Sand
CliffMountains + Sea
ClipLaundry + Wood
ClothesCanvas + Man
CloudsAir + Steam
CoalWood + Fire
CocoaThe Caribbean + Seeds
CoconutPalm + Seeds
CoffinMan + Death
Combustion EngineSteam Engine + Petroleum
CometMeteorite + Ice
ComicsBook + Hero
CompostHay + Time
ComputerMicroprocessor + Tools
ConcreteCement + Sand
ConflagrationMatches + House
ContinentEarth + Mountains
CookiesChocolate + Dough
CornflakesGrain + Milk
CottonFeather + Farm
CountryTwo Town
CourtBall + Grass
CowAnimal + Farm
CowboyMan + Horse
CrayonsPencil + Rainbow
CreeperJungle + Rope
CrocodileLizard + River
Crop circlesUFO + Grain
CrownHat + Gold
CrumbsBird + Bread
CrystalsQuartz + Mountains
CupGlassful + Porcelain
CutlerySilver + Tools
DactylPalm + Fruit
DamConcrete + River
DeathTime + Man
DemonLava + Life
DesertTwo Sand
DiamondCoal + Time
DietMan + Yogurt
DinosaurAnimal + Fossil
DiverMan + Ocean
DNALife + Brick
DoctorHospital + Scientist
DogWolf + Man
DolphinAnimal + Fish
DoughFlour + Water
DragonFire + Lizard
DragonflyFly + Lake
DrawingCrayons + Paper
DreamMan + Sand
DrumCanvas + Ceramics
DuckBird + Water
DunesSand + Mountains
DustEarth + Wind
EagleBird + Mountains
EbookBook + Computer
EclipseEarth + Moon
EelSnake + Electricity
EggStone + Life
Eiffel towerMetal + Skyscraper
ElectricityMetal + Energy
ElephantAnimal + Fang
E-mailComputer + Letter
EnergyTwo Fire
FactoryHouse + Tools
FanWind + Paper
FangAnimal + Bone
FarmArable + Man
FashionTime + Clothes
FatOil + Meat
FeatherBird + Hunter
FenceWood + Hedge
FernMoss + Swamp
FiberRope + Glass
FighterAirplane + Firearm
FilmTelevision + Spiderman
FinsMan + Fish
FirearmGunpowder + Weapon
FireflyFly + Light
FireworksAsia + Gunpowder
FishAnimal + Sea
FishermanFish + Hunter
Fishing RodBamboo + Tools
FlagCanvas + Country
FlamethrowerFirearm + Fire
FleetTwo Ship
FloodTwo Rain
FlourQuern + Grain
FlowerWater + Seeds
FlyBug + Compost
FoamSoap + Water
FogClouds + Swamp
ForestTwo Tree
FossilAnimal + Time
French FriesPotato + Oil
FrogSwamp + Lizard
FruitFarm + Tree
FurAnimal + Hunter
FurnaceBrick + Wood
FurnitureScrew + Wood
FusionTwo Hydrogen
GalaxyTwo Solar system
GaleWind + Sea
GamblingAlcohol + Money
GeneratorElectricity + Combustion engine
GeyserClouds + Air
GhostDeath + Energy
GiraffeAnimal + Tree
GlassFire + Sand
GlassesLens + Metal
GlassfulGlass + Man
GoldMine + Tools
GolemClay + Life
GondolaBoat + Venice
GpsComputer + Road
GraffitiDrawing + Wall
GrainArable + Seeds
GranaryGrain + Ceramics
GrapeCreeper + Fruit
GrassAlgae + Earth
GraveCoffin + Earth
GreenhouseHouse + Seeds
GrillCoal + Metal
GuitarStrings + Wood
GunpowderCoal + Sulfur
HailIce + Rain
HairFur + Man
HamsterAnimal + Cage
HatClothes + Straw
HayGrass + Sun
HedgeWall + Tree
HedgehogAnimal + Needle
HelicopterCombustion engine + Propeller
HelmetSoldier + Hat
HenBird + Egg
HerbsGrass + Life
HeroDragon + Knight
HoneyBeehive + Man
HorseAnimal + Knight
HorseshoeHorse + Metal
HospitalMedication + House
HourglassGlass + Sand
HouseBrick + Man
House For The BirdsBird + House
HummingbirdBird + Flower
HunterMan + Weapon
HurricaneWind + Ocean
HutHouse + Stone
HydrogenElectricity + Water
IceGlass + Water
Ice CreamIce + Milk
IcebergIce + Mountains
IglooHouse + Snow
InfusionHerbs + Water
InkSoot + Water
InternetComputer + Net
IronmanHero + Metal
IslandSea + Volcano
JediKnight + Lightsaber
JuiceFruit + Glassful
JungleForest + Rain
KangarooAnimal + Australia
KillerDeath + Knight
KimonoClothes + Asia
King KongMonkey + Skyscraper
KitePaper + Wood
KnightMan + Sword
Knights TournamentTwo + Knight
LaboratoryHouse + Scientist
LabyrinthCastle + Hedge
LakeTwo Water
LampGlass + Petroleum
LanternLamp + Metal
Las VegasDesert + Town
LaserEnergy + Light
LassoCowboy + Rope
LaundryClothes + Washing Machine
LavaEarth + Fire
LeafTree + Sun
LeechVampire + Bug
LensDiamond + Glass
LeprechaunGold + Rainbow
LetterPaper + Ink
LibraryBook + House
LifeEnergy + Swamp
LightBulb + Electricity
LighterMatches + Metal
LighthouseLantern + Sea
LightningSky + Energy
LightsaberSword + Light
LilyFlower + Lake
LionCat + Desert
LizardEgg + Earth
LocomotiveTrolley + Steam engine
LollipopCandy + Wood
LunetteTwo Lens
ManGolem + Life
ManholeSidewalk + Steam
MantisAquarium + Bug
MapPaper + Road
MatchesWood + Sulfur
MeadowTwo Grass
MeatElectricity + Pig
MedicationHerbs + Scientist
MetalFire + Stone
MeteoriteStone + Solar System
MicroprocessorElectricity + Metal
MicroscopeBacteria + Lens
MilkCow + Grass
MineMountains + Man
MirrorCanvas + Metal
MoatCastle + River
MoneyFactory + Gold
MonkeyAnimal + Jungle
MoonSun + Ice
MosaicDrawing + Stone
MosquitoBlood + Fly
MossAlgae + Swamp
MotorcycleBicycle + Combustion Engine
MountainsTwo Earth
MouseAnimal + Cheese
MowerCombustion engine + Scythe
MudDust + Water
MummyBandage + Zombies
MusicGuitar + Man
NecklacePearl + Rope
NeedleCactus + Metal
NestBird + Hay
NetTwo Rope
New YorkTown + Statue
NewspaperCamera + Paper
NinjaSamurai + Shadow
OasisDesert + Water
OceanWater + Sea
OilSunflower + Tools
OmeletEgg + Fire
OrigamiBird + Paper
OxygenTree + Carbon dioxide
PalmIsland + Tree
PandaBamboo + Bear
PaperReed + Tools
Paper AirplaneAirplane + Paper
PaperclipClip + Metal
ParisEiffel Tower + Town
ParkForest + Town
PavementRoad + Stone
PearlDiver + Ocean
PegasusHorse + Steam
PencilCoal + Wood
PenguinBird + Ice
PerfumeAlcohol + Flower
PetroleumTree + Swamp
PhoenixBird + Fire
PigAnimal + Mud
PigeonBird + Letter
PillowCanvas + Feather
PinocchioLife + Wood
PipeTobacco + Wood
PiratesShip + Weapon
PlanetContinent + Ocean
PlanktonBacteria + Ocean
PlasmaEnergy + Fire
PlumeFeather + Hat
Polar BearBear + Ice
PompeiiTown + Lava
PoolHouse + Water
PorcelainClay + Quartz
PortShip + Beach
PotCeramics + Flower
PotatoFarm + Root
Power StationDam + River
PressureEarth + Steam
Printinghouse Book + Factory
PrisonCage + House
PropellerFan + Wood
PuppetMan + Straw
PyramidDesert + Skyscraper
QuartzSand + Scientist
QuernWheel + Stone
RadarAir + Radio waves
RadiationTwo Radio waves
Radio wavesElectricity + Waves
Railroad tracksMetal + Road
RainSky + Water
RainbowRain + Light
ReedGrass + Lake
ReelWheel + Spindle
RefrigeratorIce + House
ResinSpruce + Juice
RibsGrill + Pig
RiceAsia + Grain
RingDiamond + Gold
RinkIce + Lake
RiverRain + Mountains
RoadCar + Earth
RoastFire + Meat
RobotComputer + Man
RootEarth + Tree
RopeTwo Yarn
RoseFlower + Needle
RubberSulfur + Caoutchouc
RubyDiamond + Fire
RumAlcohol + Pirates
RustMetal + Water
SailCanvas + Ship
Sailing shipBoat + Sail
SaltSea + Sun
SamuraiAsia + Knight
SandWind + Stone
SandcastleCastle + Sand
SandpaperPaper + Sand
SandstormSand + Wind
SatelliteMoon + Radio waves
SaunaHouse + Steam
ScarabBeetle + Gold
ScarecrowBird + Puppet
ScientistMan + Library
ScissorsMetal + Paper
ScorpionBeetle + Gold
ScrewMetal + Whirlpool
ScrewdriverTools + Screw
ScytheGrass + Scissors
SeaLake + Water
Sea SerpentDragon + Sea
SeagullBird + Island
SealAnimal + Circus
SeedsLife + Sand
ShadowLight + Wall
SheepAnimal + Wool
ShellPlankton + Stone
ShelterHouse + Wood
ShieldSword + Wall
ShipBoat + Metal
ShurikenNinja + Weapon
SidewalkRoad + Man
SilverGold + Mirror
SkatesSkis + Rink
SkinCow + Tools
SkisWood + Snow
SkyAir + Clouds
SkyscraperGlass + House
SleighTrolley + Snow
SlingshotRubber + Bow
SmokeAir + Fire
SnailBug + Shell
SnakeEgg + Swamp
SnowIce + Sky
Snow GlobeGlass + Snow
SnowmanMan + Snow
SoapFat + Water
Solar SystemSun + Planet
SoldierFirearm + Man
SootCoal + Fire
Space StationAstronaut + Satellite
Sparkling WaterWater + Carbon Dioxide
SpeakerDrum + Electricity
SpiderAnimal + Net
SpidermanHero + Spider
SpindleNeedle + Wood
SpruceTree + Needle
SquidAnimal + Ink
StableHouse + Horse
StainClothes + Mud
StampLetter + Wax
StarsSun + Galaxy
StatueMan + Stone
SteamFire + Water
Steam engineClouds + Metal
SteamerClouds + Ship
SticksAsia + Cutlery
StoneLava + Water
StormElectricity + Sky
StrawGrain + Tools
StringsMetal + Yarn
SugarReed + Water
SulfurBacteria + Swamp
SunEnergy + Hydrogen
SunflowerFlower + Sun
SupermanHero + Steam
SurfingMan + Waves
SushiFish + Rice
SwampEarth + Water
SweaterWool + Clothes
SwordMetal + Tools
TaleBook + Castle
TankCar + Firearm
TargetBow + Canvas
TarzanMan + Jungle
TattooMan + Ink
TeaCup + Herbs
TelephoneMicroprocessor + Radio waves
TelescopeGalaxy + Lunette
TelevisionDrawing + Radio waves
TennisCourt + Net
TentCanvas + House
TequilaAlcohol + Cactus
TermiteBug + Wood
TerrariumAquarium + Lizard
The CaribbeanPirates + Island
The Green LanternHero + Lamp
ThiefMan + Gold
ThorHero + Tools
TicketCircus + Paper
TidesMoon + Ocean
TimeHourglass + Life
TireRubber + Wheel
TitanicShip + Iceberg
ToastBread + Fire
TobaccoAlcohol + Leaf
ToolsMan + Metal
TornadoPropeller + Wind
TownTwo Village
TractorFarm + Trolley
TreasureGold + Pirates
TreeEarth + Seeds
Tree HouseHouse + Tree
TrolleyWheel + Tools
TsunamiWater + Wall
TunaCan + Fish
TunnelCave + Road
TurtleEgg + Sand
UFOAlien + Airplane
UmbrellaMan + Rain
UniformClothes + Soldier
UniverseTwo Galaxy
UraniumMetal + Radiation
VampireBlood + Zombies
VanillaFlower + Sugar
VaseFlower + Glass
VeniceTown + Sea
VillageTwo House
VinegarAlcohol + Oxygen
VolcanoMountains + Lava
VolleyballBeach + Net
VultureBird + Death
WallTwo Brick
WalletCrocodile + Hunter
Washing MachineClothes + Soap
WatchHourglass + Quartz
WaterfallMountains + River
WavesLake + Wind
WaxBeehive + Tools
WeaponMetal + Wood
WerewolfZombies + Silver
WhaleFish + Plankton
WheelTools + Wood
WhirlpoolTornado + Sea
WindTwo Air
WindmillQuern + Wind
WineGrape + Alcohol
WolfAnimal + Werewolf
WoodTree + Tools
WoodpeckerBird + Tree
WoolCotton + Animal
YarnCotton + Reel
YogurtBacteria + Milk
ZombiesDeath + Life
ZooAnimal + Fence