Dungeon Village (Android)



You can unlock new jobs for your adventurers. To unlock them you need a concrete adventurer to be raised to level ten.

JobHow to unlock
ArcherRaise 'May Le Tigre' to level 10.
BardRaise 'Seffy Roth' to level 10.
Black MarketerRaise 'Voldy Moore' to level 10.
ClownRaise 'Flippin Book' to level 10.
CookRaise 'May Akiba' to level 10.
HeroRaise 'Harly Potler' to level 10.
KairobotPromote your village to 5 stars.
KingRaise 'Sam Ganges' to level 10.
KnightRaise 'Gilly Gamesh' or 'Jill Nabath' to level 10.
Kung Fu MasterRaise 'Chung Lailai' to level 10.
MageRaise 'Harry Gorn' to level 10.
MercenaryRaise 'Frod Bigguns' to level 10.
MonkRaise 'Stumblemore' to level 10.
NinjaRaise 'Book Shields' to level 10.
PrincessRaise 'Lily Raven' to level 10.
Princess SallyPromote your village to 5 stars.
WarriorRaise 'Donkey Hotty' or 'Angie Jelly' to level 10.
WizardRaise 'Max Spellman' to level 10.
WrestlerRaise 'Masque Mann' to level 10.


Make sure large monsters are dealt with as soon as they appear as their presence reduces the appeal of your town.


A good way of convincing warriors to stay in your town is to give them gifts. Be warned though that this can be an expensive gesture.