Tribez: Build a Village, The (Android)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AeronautInvestigate the Airplane anomaly 25 times.500
ArchitectBuild 600 Decorations.500
ArtistCollect 100,000 marble.500
Axe MasterCut down 500 trees.500
BlackbeardInvestigate the Pirate Ship anomaly 25 times.500
Bona Fide NativeLog in to the game 150 days in a row.10000
BulldozerDemolish any three structures.500
CannyMove any five structures to the warehouse.500
Capital CityBuild 500 of any structures.500
ChiefReach 5 level.500
CommanderReach 35 level.15000
ConquistadorObtain treasures on islands in sea voyages.500
Cult FounderBuild a Stone Guardian.500
CupidFulfill 500 ritual wishes.500
Demolisher of MountainsCollect 500,000 stone.500
Dino FarmerCollect 20 Dino Eggs.500
Dinodrome OwnerCollect profits from Dino Nests 500 times.500
ElderReach 15 level.5000
Entertainment MogulCollect income from any entertainment or commercial buildings 2000 times.500
ExtravertPost 500 achievement messages to social media.500
Fat CatFind 200 treasures.500
Father of NationsReach 150 population level.500
First Among EqualsWin a competition once.500
Flame TamerExtinguish 300 fires.500
GeologistClear out 100 stone blockages.500
Great GardenerRemove 3000 bushes.500
Great LumberjackCollect 250,000 lumber.500
Great MasonCollect 250,000 cut stone.500
Great UfologistInvestigate the UFO anomaly 25 times.500
Great WoodcutterCollect 500,000 wood.500
High PriestBuild an Idol.500
Image MakerCollect profits from Bathhouses 500 times.500
IndustrialistCollect income from any enterprise 2000 times.500
Jack of All TradesExpand a Shard of Heaven Mine.500
LandownerCollect 1000 food from fields.500
LeaderReach 10 level.500
Life of the PartyWin a competition five times.500
LordReach 25 level.10000
Marble Fjord PioneerGo to the Marble Fjord.500
Master of KlondikeMine 35 Gold Veins.500
Melpomene's PetFulfill 500 wishes at the Theater.500
MerchantCollect profits from Stores 500 times.500
MinimalistWin a competition using the weakest item only.500
Miracle WorkerFulfill 500 wishes at the Shaman's Shop.500
More Crystals!Buy a total of 1000 crystals.10000
Permanent ResidentSpend 100 hours online.10000
ProphetCollect profits from Shaman Shops 500 times.500
Responsive WorkerSpeed up any work 1000 times.500
RestaurateurSatisfy 500 Ancient Bar wishes.500
RitualistBuild a Stone Circle.500
SaviorRescue Aurora.1000
Secret Island PioneerGo to the Mystery Shore.500
Single-handedWin a competition single-handed once.500
Snow LordSnow Lord.500
Spirit of AbundanceCollect profits from Pig Farms 100 times.500
Steam LordFulfill 500 wishes at the Bathhouse.500
Summoner of SpiritsUse bonuses 35 times.500
Tax CollectorCollect profits from any building 5000 times.500
Top PhotographerPost 100 screenshots to Facebook.500
TycoonAccumulate 10,000,000 gold.500
Uninhibited FunCollect profits from Ancient Bars 500 times.500
UrbanistMove any 1000 buildings.500
VanquisherDestroy 19 Murlod homes.500
WarriorDefeat 500 Murlods.500
WholesalerBuild 30 warehouses.500
Wild OvationCollect profits from Theaters 500 times.500
Winter JoyWin the Dino Snowman competition.500