NBA 2K (Dreamcast)

2D players

Enter SQUISHY at the Code screen.

Beach ball

Enter BEACHBOYS at the Code screen.

Big feet

Enter BIGFOOT at the Code screen.

Big heads

Enter FATHEAD at the Code screen.

Coach in pain

Enter COACHCOUCH at the Code screen.

Cool Codes

To access these codes go to options and into the code screen and type in (in all capitals):

DEDMAN:Unlocks slo-mo mode in game speed, in the game options.

SCRAWL: Funky Text Style

SQUEEKY: Commentators breathing helium

LARD:Fat players

Fat players

Enter DOUGHBOY at the Code screen.

Hidden message

Enter HIMOM at the Code screen to display the message: 'Hi mom! Love, your Child.' at the code confirmation screen.

Large players

Enter MONSTER at the Code screen.

Screen Saver

Go to a screen other than the main menu (options, or customize) and don't push any buttons then the screen will turn many different colors.

Small players

Enter LITTLEGUY at the Code screen.

Superstar teams

Go to the codes screen through the options and type DEVDUDES in all capitals to unlock hidden superstar teams. If you play as one of the development teams, and there the home team, you'll play at a playground.