Go! Go! Hypergrind (GameCube)


All Board Attributes

Enter DECKCOLLECTOR as a code at the cheat menu.

All Board Designs

Enter PRETTYBOARDS as a code at the cheat menu.

All Bonuses

Enter PANDORASBOX as a code at the cheat menu.

All Character Fmv Sequences

Enter MOVIEFREAK as a code at the cheat menu.

All Figures

Enter COOLDUDES as a code at the cheat menu.

All Gear

Enter TONSOFJUNK as a code at the cheat menu.

All Illustrations

Enter NOTPICASSO as a code at the cheat menu.

All Wheels

Enter NEEDMORESPEED as a code at the cheat menu.

Earn perfect lip balance

Enter LIPGRIPPER as a code at the cheat menu.

Level Select

Enter OPENSESAME as a code at the cheat menu.

Negative Reactions Disabled

Enter REACTIONPROOF as a code at the cheat menu.

Perfect all-around balance

Enter STABILIZER as a code at the cheat menu.

Perfect manual balance

Enter MANUALMASTER as a code at the cheat menu.

Perfect rail balance

Enter PROGRINDER as a code at the cheat menu.

Play As Vert

Enter LOOSETIGER as a code at the cheat menu.

Play As Vert And Kevin

Enter BUTIEANDBEAST as a code at the cheat menu.

Score Reactions without pressing X

Enter AUTOREACTION as a code at the cheat menu.

Spin faster

Enter RUBBERNECKER as a code at the cheat menu.