Nickelodeon Party Blast (GameCube)

Arnold, Darwin, Twister, and TJ Drum

Use Zim in Pickles House.

Extra Hoop

In the Jimmy Neutron basketball stage there is a window on the top left corner of the stage if you have a ball it will open, it gives 350 points.

Extra Characters unlocked

Go into blast mode and enter the code on the D-Pad. Down, Down, Right, Left, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right.

Helga, Anne Geronimo, and Patrick Star

Use SpongeBob in Downhill Madtown.

Manuel Diaz, Angel Menzada, and Jessica Rodriguez

Use Tommy in Krusty Krab.

Unlock Bungi games

Highlight the Bungi game at the bottom of the game selection screen, then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right.