Nyan Cat: Lost In Space (iPhone iPod)


Cheat Codes

Type any of the following codes on the keyboard while in any of the game's front-end menus. A notification popup should appear on screen notifying you of a successful cheat input. CHEATS can be turned on and off, and must be reactivated whenever the player returns to the main menu after a game-over.

BlackAlbumMakes Nyan Cat completely black.
CatBreadForTheWinReplaces all yummies with Cat Bread!
ChocoKittyTartMakes a Chocolate Pop-Tart Themed Nyan Cat.
ColdWintersDayMakes Nyan Cat move slowly from lane to lane.
DivideByZeroMakes Nyan Cat invert the color of whatever is behind it.
DownInFrontMoves Nyan Cat far up the screen.
DreamsComeTrueMakes Nyan Cat flash rainbow colors.
ForgotMyGlassesMakes Nyan Cat blurry and nearly invisible.
FunkyFaceModifies the bottom-screen text notifications in game.
GGGGhostNyanMakes Nyan Cat transparent.
InvisibilityCloakMakes Nyan Cat completely invisible.
LeprechaunitisDisables Nyan Cat's rainbow.
NyanCatMarchReplaces bottom-screen text notifications with a parade of Nyan Cats.
NyanFisherMakes Nyan Cat stealth themed (a la Sam Fisher)
NyanOLanternMakes Nyan Cat Hallowe'en-Themed.
NyanStampEmbosses Nyan Cat.
NyanTheDarkLordMakes Nyan Cat black and glow red. Red glow is retained after reloading the game, black is not.
OUTFITSImmediately change the appearance of the Nyan Cat itself.
OmNomNomableChanges "Nyans" to "Noms" in gameplay.
ReverseEngineeringReverses the galaxy horizontally, and inverts the rainbow trail.
SnookiesCookiesChanges the word "cookies" to "Snookies" in the text notifications.
SummerNyanTurns Nyan Cat into a watermelon.
TastingTheRainbowReverses Nyan Cat.
UseYourWhiskersDisables the HUD.
VertigoKittyFlips the galaxy upside-down.
WhiteAlbumMakes Nyan Cat completely white.
YouLookLikeAPopTartMakes Nyan Cat white, pink and purple.

Various Game Center Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
Always Cracked (10 points)Collect 5 pills in a game.
Anorexinyan (10 points)Run 25 seconds without collecting any food.
Bomb Killer (10 points)Deactivate 100 bombs.
Bonus Nyan (10 points)Reach x250 score multiplier in a game.
City Boy (10 points)Play 10 times on Nyan Cat City theme.
Cow Collector (10 points)Collect 100 Cow items.
Dog Dodger (10 points)Jump five times over a doggy in a game
Finished Word (20 points)Eliminate 250 enemies with Nyan Love.
Finished Word (5 points)Complete a word in the Word Game.
Gold Platform Addict (10 points)Jump on Gold Platforms 1000 times.
High Roller (10 points)Stay on the highest platforms at least for 30 seconds.
Low Roller (10 points)Star on the lowest platforms at least for 30 seconds.
Marathonyan (50 points)Run 42195 meters.
Meeting Tac Nayn (10 points)Touch Nac Nayn 9 times.
Multi Face (20 points)Play with a skin other than NYAN CAT.
Safe Nyan (20 points)Run 1000 meters without touching any kind of enemies.
Tourist (20 points)Play in a world other than Space.
UFO Escaper (5 points)Survive a UFO abduction.
UFO Visitor (50 points)Survive a UFO abduction 100 times.
Veteran Bomb Killer (20 points)Deactivate 20000 bombs.
Warrior (10 points)Eliminate 20 enemies with Nyan Love.