Street Fighter IV (iPhone iPod)

Dee Jay

If you have both Street Fighter 4 AND Street Fighter 4 Volt installed on your device at the same time, you will get Dee Jay unlocked immediately in Street Fighter 4 when you start the game.

Fight as DeeJay

Fight in three Versus mode matches or Clearing Tournament mode with all characters, with number of rounds set to at least three.

Final training exercise

Complete all training exercises in Dojo mode.

Various Achievements

By completing certain objectives in the game, you'll unlock special awards and titles.

AchievementHow to unlock
1 Whole Hour!Play for a total of 1 hour.
24 Whole Hours!Play for a total of 24 hours.
8 Whole Hours!Play for a total of 8 hours.
All Eyes on YouBe recognized as an opponent by 5 people.
All-RounderUse all characters.
ApprenticeUse one character 50 times.
Assistant InstructorWin 5 times in a row in Versus Mode.
Auto DefenderWin 30 matches with Auto Guard ON.
Basic BaccalaureateComplete Dojo Basic Training with all S Rankings.
Battle HardenedBeat every opponent character.
Bottom FeederObtain 500 Versus Battle Points.
Bring It On!Fight in 30 Versus Mode matches.
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Card CollectorGet a Player Card.
Card HunterGet 10 Player Cards.
Card MasterGet 30 Player Cards.
Combo BaccalaureateComplete Dojo Combo Training for all characters with S Rankings.
Command FighterWin 30 matches with SP Move Assist OFF.
Counter AttackerPerform 30 Counter Hits.
Counter MasterPerform 100 Counter Hits.
Deep FighterObtain 4000 Versus Battle Points
Dirty DawgLose 3 times in Versus Mode.
DiscipleWin 3 times in a row in Versus Mode.
DoppelgangerWin against the same character in Versus Mode 10 times.
Double K.O.Achieve a Double K.O. in a match.
Easy CommanderWin 30 matches with SP Move Assist ON.
EliteWin 3 times in Versus Mode.
EmperorWin 30 times in Versus Mode.
Eternal ChallengerPlay 3 matches with an opponent.
EX Special Move ProPerform 30 EX Special Moves.
EX Special Move SagePerform 100 EX Special Moves.
Fighting BaccalaureateComplete Dojo Fighting Secrets Training with all S Rankings.
First Attack MasterPerform 50 First Attacks.
First AttackerPerform 10 First Attacks.
Fist CrosserComplete Dojo Final Training Exercises for all characters.
Fist KingWin 20 times in Versus Mode.
Fledgling FighterObtain 50 Versus Battle Points.
Focus Attack ProPerform 30 Focus Attacks.
Focus Attack SagePerform 100 Focus Attacks.
Gateway to StardomBeat an opponent 3 times in a row.
Go and Meet Your MatchGet 2 Player Cards from players with different hometowns.
Head of the ClassesWin against all characters in Versus Mode.
I'm Shoryu-can't Touch This Skill!Get all Achievements.
InstructorWin 10 times in a row in Versus Mode.
Jack of all TradesUse all special moves during a single match in Versus Mode.
Legendary ChampClear Tournament on Grueling Difficulty without using a continue.
Legendary LoseLose 20 times in Versus Mode.
Living LargeLose 30 times in Versus Mode.
Local ChampClear Tournament.
Lofty SeekerPlay 50 matches with an opponent.
Manual DefenderWin 30 matches with Auto Guard OFF.
MasterWin 15 times in a row in Versus Mode.
Memory of the StrongFight in 3 Versus Mode matches.
Mercenary FighterObtain 1500 Versus Battle Points.
MercilessWin by chip damage.
MessiahWin 10 times in Versus Mode.
Move MasterLand all special moves during a single match in Versus Mode.
National ChampClear Tournament without using a continue.
Next Stop, InvincibilityBeat an opponent 10 times in a row.
No CrybabyLose 10 times in Versus Mode.
No Time for the WeakBeat an opponent 10 times.
NoviceUse one character 10 times.
On a RollBeat an opponent 5 times in a row.
Once in a LifetimeUse all characters in Versus Mode.
One with NatureBeat an opponent using every character.
PerfectionistAchieve a Perfect victory.
Polished FighterUse one character 100 times.
Pro Armor BreakerPerform 3 Armor Breaks.
Replay CollectorSave a replay video.
Replay ManiacSace 20 replay videos.
Road to Becoming a True WarriorFight in 10 Versus Mode matches.
Sage Armor BreakerPerform 30 Armor Breaks.
Special Move BaccalaureateComplete Dojo Special Move Training for all characters with S Rankings.
Special Move ProPerform 30 Special Moves.
Special Move SagePerform 100 Special Moves.
Strategy BaccalaureateComplete Dojo Strategy Training for all characters with S Rankings.
Street FighterObtain 7000 Versus Battle Points.
Stun AttackerStun your opponent 10 times.
Stun MasterStun your opponent 50 times.
Super Combo FinishWin by Super Combo
Super Combo ProPerform 10 Super Combos.
Super Combo SagePerform 50 Super Combos.
That's It, GrasshopperBeat an opponent 3 times.
The Proof is in the ScarsFight in 30 Versus Mode matches.
The Tip of the SwordBeat an opponent 30 times.
Throw MasterPerform 30 throws.
Throw SagePerform 100 throws.
Tireless Go-GetterPlay 20 matches with an opponent.
True WarriorComplete Dojo Final Training Exercises for all characters with S Ranking.
Tweet FighterTweet on Twitter using the game.
Ultimate PerfectionistAchieve a Perfect victory on Grueling Difficulty.
Ultra Combo FinishWin by Ultra Combo.
Ultra Combo ProPerform 10 Ultra Combos.
Ultra Combo SagePerform 50 Ultra Combos.
Victory By DecisionWin By Time Over
Well Known FighterObtain 2500 Versus Battle Points.
What Have We Here?Get 5 Player Cards from players with different hometowns.
Wilted FlowerWin using all characters in Versus Mode.
World ChampClear Tournament on Grueling Difficulty.
You're a ContenderBe recognized as an opponent by 2 people.