Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus (Nintendo DS)


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the BraveSword3:

Let's combine
our strength!


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the ChainBubble3:

Dec. 17, 1986

Cipher Mail

Compose a mail by pressing "X" in the mail screen, and send it to yourself. Type "Cipher" in the subject, then type the code in the body of the email. Send the email, and exit back to the main screen(Map screen). If entered correctly, it should give you a card.

Dec. 17, 1986ChainBubble3
ISNBDUBOCloaker SubCard
SIXGAME-OD.Energy SubCard
Legendary Master ShinDragonSky SP
Star Force, the ultimate power!Get LeoKingdom SP
NGYNGIWCUSGhstPulse2 B. Card
ROHNATPEHeatBall3 B.Card
OSLEGRATEHeavyCannon B.Card
Brother Action RPGQnOphicus SP
AURIEFRUTSRecovery 50 B.Card
PREOBCOPBSearchEye SubCard
LAREBARAONTimebomb1 B.Card
ALPTUNZLAUnlocker SubCard


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the CygnusWingSP:

Fly away for
skies unknown!

Deluxe Energy

Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the Deluxe Energy:


EXE Blaster weapon

Have one of the following the Game Boy Advance games in the cartridge slot.

Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Mega Man Battle Network 3 White
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team Blues
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team Colonel
Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar
Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar

There will be a new intermission sequence in the dog house near Gonta's house. When it ends, go to the statue near the stairs. Defeat the enemy in the middle of the map then return to the dog house. An intermission sequence with Rockman EXE will start, and you will get the EXE Blaster War Rock Item.


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the FireBazooka3:

Transers are
really useful!


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the FreezeKnuckle:

How many more
until you have
all the cards?


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the Gatling3:

Pegasus, Leo,
Dragon - which
is for you?


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the GhostPulse3:

Check out the
Mega Man


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the GroundWave3:

Get stronger


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the JetAttack3:

Only you can
protect the
Wave Road!


Successfully complete the game. Then, speak to Kizamaro at the Denpa Udai in Kodama Town. Next, go to the school gym. Wave into the Piano network, and speak to the leader Jamminger to start a 10-in-a-row battle sequence. After you win, speak to Kizamaro again to add him to your Brother Band. Kizamaro grants MegaClass+1 and HP boosts; his final Brother Force selection includes TripSong, GravityStage, MagicCrystal3, CancerBubbleSP, WolfForestSP, and CrownThunderSP.

Low time record for Pegasus, Leo and Dragon SP

The only recommended way to ever get a low time on the SP Admins (possibly about six seconds) is to create a perfect "elemental best combo" that is a weakness to the Admins. The way to do this is as follows. For example, with Leo element is Heat, weak is Aqua. The best combo would have Aqua based cards to eliminate Leo. First, fill the folder entirely with the elemental weakness of what Admin you have. Fill it with entirely with Aqua cards for Leo, Elec cards for Pegasus and Heat cards for Dragon. Then, fight an EX or SP enemy in order to create a best combo. It is recommended to fight either Cancer Crab or Wolf Woods to create a best combo quickly. Next, try making a combo on exactly the first turn of the wave battle. Then, try getting counters when the enemy attacks. Counters are the perfect way of getting large amount of cards into one combo in just one turn. Try to get seven or hopefully ten to thirteen or more cards into one combo. Hopefully the amount of counters you made will increase the amount of damage plus the 2x time damage of the Admin's weakness. This will greatly increase your chance for a low time record.


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the MopLance3:

Ride On the
Wave Road!


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the PegasusMagicSP:

Go On Air
to trade info
with friends.


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the PlasmaGun3:

Win big with a
Star Force Big

Porcupine Needle

Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the PegasusMagicSP:

Wave Change!
Geo Stelar,
On The Air!!


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the QueenOphiucaSP:

Brother Action

Slow movement

When you have to go find Gemeni at the dump, go back to your hometown. Run behind the Big Wave building behind the vending machines. You will notice that you are running slower than normal.


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the StickyRain3:

Mega Man 20th


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the SyncHook1:

I love Battle


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the TaurusFireSP:

Store info in
your Transer!


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the TimeBomb3:

Let's form a

Title screen Star Marks

Accomplish something in-game to recieve these different icons on your New Game/Continue screen. Getting them all will also result something new to appear on the screen. One will also be able to fight the Infinity Version of the Final Boss at the end of the game which has 4000 HP.

Star MarkHow to unlock
G Comp StarBeat all 5 Giga Cards
Leo StarDefeat LeoKingdom
M Comp StarBeat all 30 Mega Cards
Rockman [Megaman] StarFinish the Main Story
S Comp StarBeat all 150 Standard Cards
SP Comp StarObtain all SP Cards


Enter the following case and format-sensitive Cipher mail message text to unlock the WideWave3:

Time to bust
some EM