Sudoku Gridmaster (Nintendo DS)

50 puzzles

Accumulate 20 stars by ranking well after solving puzzles.

70 puzzles

Accumulate 40 stars by ranking well after solving puzzles.

Star Unlockables

Solving puzzles ranks your performance out of four and gives you a corresponding number of stars. Collecting a certain number of stars unlocks more features:

Effect - Code

30 Puzzles - 120 Stars
30 Puzzles - 100 Stars
4 stars - Complete a Practice or Easy puzzle in 5 minutes or less
5 stars - Complete a Normal puzzle in 10 minutes or less
50 puzzles - 20 stars
6 stars - Complete a Hard puzzle in 15 minutes or less
Bronze Rank - Test Collect 60 stars
Gold Rank - Test Collect 220 stars and complete Bronze and Silver Rank Tests
Hard 101-110 - Collect 240 stars
Hard 111-120 - Collect 260 stars
Hard 91-100 - Collect 200 stars
Normal 141-160, Hard 81-90 - Collect 160 stars
Normal 161-190 - Collect 180 stars
Platinum Rank Test - Collect 300 stars and complete Bronze, Silver and Gold Rank Tests
Silver Rank Test - Collect 140 stars and complete Bronze Rank Test

Unlimited time

Press Start during game play to display the options menu. Although the touch screen is obscured, the timer stops. You can then look at the top screen to take as much time as desired to determine your next move. Resume game play, make your move, then pause game play again to repeat.

Unlocking new puzzles

Each level has a different number of stars you can get. "Practice" and "Easy" give you a maximum of four stars. "Normal" gives you a maximum of five stars. "Hard" has a maximum of six stars. After collecting twenty stars, new levels will open up (usually thirty new puzzles for every twenty stars).