Ghostbusters The Video Game (Nintendo Wii)

"The Coming Storm": Dancing skeletons

Slime the gravestones at the start of the level, then pull them down. Each of the skeletons from the graves will do a different dance.

Bonus options

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding entry at the "Options" menu.

EntryHow to unlock
Equipment Strength UpgradeCollect all art.
Faster Health RecoveryCollect 50% of the art.
Gozerian Rookie OutfitComplete the game under the Gozerian difficulty. This outfit will allow you to be immune to sliming.
Increased Scanning SpeedScan 50% of the ghosts and scannable objects.
InvulnerabilityComplete the game with all art collected and scan 100% of the ghosts and scannable objects.
No Equipment OverheatScan 100% of the ghosts of scannable objects.

Goo rocket

Look down with a male avatar, then shoot slime while you jump. It will shoot you up like a rocket.

Invisible character can see ectoplasm

When you get to the end of a section (for example, going down the stairs to hunt down the Grey Lady ghost, just after they brief you on the P.K.E. goggles), put on your P.K.E goggles and walk through the door or off the staircase. After the other Ghostbusters are finished speaking, you will notice you cannot see your character. You can only see through their eyes, and you can clearly see the trails of ectoplasm (the little colorful clouds of ghost goo) without the goggles on. To exit, return to the firehouse or wait until you get to the next part of the level.

Portal reference

When you get the scan for the Chef's cake it will say "Many researchers believe the cake is a hoax", which is a referrence to the "The Cake is a Lie" message found on walls in Portal.