3030 Deathwar Redux (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Arrow to the kneeTalked to 30 Station Folk.
Can't touch this!Killed an enemy with your shields and hull untouched.
Captain PlanetDestroyed 1000 pieces of space junk.
Cautious CatRemembered to eject the jumba beans!
CompetentKilled 50 Pirates.
Councillor Troy to the BridgeTalked to 100 station folk.
Death BlossomKilled 3 ships in under 10 seconds.
Don't get cocky kidDocked for the first time.
Don't get cocky, kidDocked for the first time.
EliteKilled 100 Pirates.
Feeling luckyTalked to Frank Zoed.
Garbage DisposalDestroyed 100 pieces of space junk.
Hardened DriverCompleted 75 taxi missions.
HarmlessKilled 10 Pirates.
I'm the real Quaid!Told Quaid that Quaid isn't paying.
It's 3030Played the game.
It's a smegging garbage pod!Destroyed 500 pieces of space junk.
Make it so, Mr CrusherYou got yourself a split capable ship.
On the RocksDrank a Macalacharraca.
Premium ratesTalked to Jimmy Chou.
Punch it, BishopLeft the Andinti system.
Quaid Got PlayedConvinced Quaid to pay you c600.
Shiny!Stole Cargo from Traffic.
The "Knowledge"Completed 200 taxi missions.
Uber 3030 DriverCompleted 10 taxi missions.
Welcome to the Caribbean, love!Visited the asteroid carved face Pirate base.