Age of Mythology: Extended Edition (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Aimless WondererPlay 100 random map games.
AnnihilationKill 10000 units in battle.
Champion of the CommunityBe victorious in 100 online games.
Commander of GaiaLead Gaia to victory 10 times!
Commander of HadesLead Hades to victory 10 times!
Commander of IsisLead Isis to victory 10 times!
Commander of KronosLead Kronos to victory 10 times!
Commander of LokiLead Loki to victory 10 times!
Commander of OdinLead Odin to victory 10 times!
Commander of OranosLead Oranos to victory 10 times!
Commander of PoseidonLead Poseidon to victory 10 times!
Commander of RaLead Ra to victory 10 times!
Commander of SetLead Set to victory 10 times!
Commander of ThorLead Thor to victory 10 times!
Commander of ZeusLead Zeus to victory 10 times!
Conquest CertifiedPlay 100 Conquest games.
Creating a MasterpieceComplete 10 Wonders.
Deathmatch CertifiedPlay 100 Deathmatch games.
Defeat the ArmyDefeat 10 AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the BattalionDefeat 6 AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the BrigadeDefeat 8 AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the CompanyDefeat 5 AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the DivisionDefeat 9 AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the HordeDefeat 11 AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the PlatoonDefeat 4 AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the RegimentDefeat 7 AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the SoldierDefeat 1 AI opponent single handedly!
Defeat the SquadDefeat 2 AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the TroopDefeat 3 AI opponents single handedly!
DemolitionDestroy 2000 buildings in battle.
Eradicator of the MachineBe victorious against 100 AI opponents.
Foe of GaiaDefeat Gaia 10 times!
Foe of HadesDefeat Hades 10 times!
Foe of IsisDefeat Isis 10 times!
Foe of KronosDefeat Kronos 10 times!
Foe of LokiDefeat Loki 10 times!
Foe of OdinDefeat Odin 10 times!
Foe of OranosDefeat Oranos 10 times!
Foe of PoseidonDefeat Poseidon 10 times!
Foe of RaDefeat Ra 10 times!
Foe of SetDefeat Set 10 times!
Foe of ThorDefeat Thor 10 times!
Foe of ZeusDefeat Zeus 10 times!
Horror UnleashedComplete 25 Titans.
Hour of AlpacasParticipate in Alpaca Hour.
Leader of the FearlessHost 25 multiplayer games.
Lightning CertifiedPlay 100 Lightning games.
Master of ConquestBe victorious in 10 Conquest games.
Master of DeathmatchBe victorious in 10 Deathmatch games.
Master of LightningBe victorious in 10 Lightning games.
Master of SupremacyBe victorious in 10 Supremacy games.
Master of TreatyBe victorious in 10 Treaty games.
One Among the EagerPlay 50 quickmatch games.
One Among the FlockPlay 1000 online games.
Remember the FallenLose 5000 units in battle.
Ruler of AtlantisComplete the New Atlantis campaign.
Ruler of GoldComplete the Golden Gift campaign.
Ruler of KnowledgeComplete the Learn to Play campaign.
Ruler of the TridentComplete the Fall of the Trident campaign.
Stone and SteelComplete 100 Fortress type buildings.
Supremacy CertifiedPlay 100 Supremacy games.
Time to RebuildLose 1000 buildings in battle.
Treaty CertifiedPlay 100 Treaty games.