Alien Shooter: Vengeance (PC)

Christmas Easter Egg

If your System Date is set to Dec 25 then you'll see a different Main Menu Screen(Background).

In game mode

Note: To enable cheat codes is necessary to type letters on the keyboard during the game

cheatw+ 100 skills of weapons reloading
stm or cheatm+ 10000 money
cheats+ 50 to the speed skill
stexp or cheatexpadds enough exp for getting new level
stwnncomplete level successfully
stshopdownload shop on the level
cheathgives 1000 hp
st1gives 15000 hp
stammogives some ammo
stgodmakes all skills (except perk) 100 or 200 sequential. adds also 50000 money
remgammaremove gamma on the level
stmusstopstop current track
stk9to kill all monsters on the map
stkkto kill all monsters withing a radius of 1000 pixels from the character
statturn on\off current statistics
stmus[x]turn the x number of tracks

Max money, max atrtributes, max perk, etc


I have the U.S version and it is not upgraded.

(0) you must have made it to at least 1 save point in the game.

(1) Go to your install folder ( where you installed the game) look in the "RUN" folder, then look in the "SAVES" folder. You will see "PROFILE0" and maybe more. Go into the relevant folder. Depending on where you are at in the game you will see lots of ".cfg" files, the only ones you care about are the files that are 2 digit numbers like "01.cfg" - "15.cfg" the rest you can ignore.

(2) Right click on the highest number .cfg file as that is your current save point in the game. copy and paste a copy of the .cfg file to your desk top, but do not change this one as it is a backup, just in case.

(3) Go back to the game folder , right click again on the .cfg file. Open the 2 digit . cfg file in the game folder with the "notepad" program on your pc .If you are further on in the game then you will have to go to the highest number to have it change your current save point. It should look like this sample below without my lists on the right of the sample.

------BEGIN SAMPLE-------------------------------------BRC.


Various Codes

During gameplay, simply type in the code (yes, it may open windows, this is normal, the code will still work).

cheatm+ $10000 (look in inventory)
cheath+ 1000 health
cheatwIncrease Firing Speed
cheatsIncrease Movespeed