Battlepaths (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AnnihilatorKilled 5000 monsters.
Axe AdeptSpecialized in axes.
BabatulaCompleted realm Babatula.
BarbarianLearned Power Strike and Warcry.
BlessedTouched 100 obelisks.
Bludgeon AdeptSpecialized in bludgeons.
ChampionReached character level 30.
Chaos Overlord ToyFound the Chaos Overlord action figure.
CollectorFully equipped with unique items.
ConjurerSummoned 35 allies.
CrafterUsed a magic stone on an item.
DeluminatorBlew out 100 torches.
Did you rub my lamp?Summoned an Efreet.
Diligent CrafterCrafted three masterpieces.
EraserKilled 350 monsters.
ExterminatorKilled the Scarab Uber Queen.
FighterReached character level 10.
GreedAccumulated 500,000 gold.
HunterKilled 50 monsters.
InvincibilityTook 250,000 points of damage without dying.
Iron ManTook 35,000 points of damage without dying.
LeaderReached character level 20.
Loot Loot Loot !!!Found 50 unique items.
MarathonWalked 42,195 tiles.
Master CrafterUsed 175 magic stones on items.
Melee MasterReached level 20 in a weapon skill.
Mine!Found your first unique item.
Monster KillKilled 6 monsters with one blow.
NinjaLearned Haste and Flash.
Ogre HeroKilled the Ogre in realm Babatula.
Penny PincherAccumulated 50,000 gold.
Piercing Weapon AdeptSpecialized in piercing weapons.
Quest CompleteCompleted your first quest.
RowdyDealt 125,000 points of damage.
RuffianDealt 10,000 points of damage.
Ruler of ChaosCompleted the Chaos Realm.
Scarab Queen ToyFound the Scarab Queen action figure.
Scarabian DesertCompleted realm Scarabian Desert.
Seasoned CrafterUsed 50 magic stones on items.
Shiny LootFound 15 unique items.
SlayerKilled 1750 monsters.
SummonerSummoned your first ally.
SurpriseOpened 5 treasure chests.
Surprise !Opened 50 treasure chests.
Surprise !!!Opened 150 treasure chests.
SurvivalistTook 3,500 points of damage without dying.
Swimmer's ParadiseFound the Swimmer's Paradise.
Sword AdeptSpecialized in swords.
TankLearned Regeneration and Health Boost.
The CoinFound the coin of the Anti Goblin King.
Tough Ogre ToyFound the Tough Ogre action figure.
TrainedReached level 5 in a weapon skill.
Triple KillKilled 3 monsters with one blow.
Uber Rick ToyFound the Uber Rick action figure.
VandalDealt 1,000,000 points of damage.
WarlordReached character level 35.
YoungsterReached character level 5.