BigFoot (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Bear MurdererKill five Bears in one game.
Broken LegsDie from the fall ten times.
Burnt SteakDie from the fire.
Cave ExplorerOpen ten Bigfoot Caves.
Cold HeartDie of the cold five times.
Cooked AliveDie from a geyser.
Deer MurdererKill five Deers in one game.
Egg TimeFind all Easter eggs.
Fire In The HoleBlow dynamite twenty times.
First Bigfoot BloodFirst win playing as Hunter.
First Fun Then_HuntLaunch fireworks five times.
First Hunter BloodFirst win playing as Bigfoot.
Forest GodWin twenty games playing as Bigfoot.
Four SurvivorsWin a team of four without deaths.
Fox MurdererKill five Foxes in one game.
I See YouInstall hundred cameras.
Just StopKill twenty hunters using a road stop sign.
Last ShotKill Bigfoot with the last bullet.
Last WarriorWin on your own when your team of four is dead.
Listen To The NoiseYou'll guess it yourself.
Lunch For The BearDie from a bear five times.
Lunch For The WolfDie from a wolf five times.
Mad BarberKill five Bigfoots with a knife last hit.
Monster HunterWin twenty games playing as Hunter.
Musical ViolenceKill twenty hunters using guitar.
Night PredatorKill team of four hunters at night during one game.
Raccoon MurdererKill five Raccoons in one game.
Rage MasterKnockdown team of four hunters during one rage.
Redwood CriminologistFind all Redwood dead bodies in one game.
Redwood ExplorerOpen all Redwood locations in one game.
ReincarnationPlay for all characters.
RescuerResuscitate four players in one game.
RossLake CriminologistFind all Ross Lake dead bodies in one game.
RossLake ExplorerOpen all Ross Lake locations in one game.
Shell-shocked And DepressedDie from any explosives five times.
Trapped TurkeyDie from any traps ten times.
Trash GourmetEat from the trash can ten times.
Watch Your StepInstall hundred traps.
WinterPark CriminologistFind all Winter Park dead bodies in one game.
WinterPark ExplorerOpen all Winter Park locations in one game.
Wolf MurdererKill five Wolves in one game.
World ExplorerOpen all maps locations.
Yellowstone CriminologistFind all Yellowstone dead bodies in one game.
Yellowstone ExplorerOpen all Yellowstone locations in one game.