Bik - A Space Adventure (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AmbassadorKilled members of two different alien species.
AviatorFly the friendly skies.
Cat BurglarThe jewel is yours.
CyborgMore machine than man.
Destroyer of WorldsRaw power.
First ResponderSaved a burning spaceship.
FoodieSandwich heaven!
FugitiveTonight there's gonna be a jailbreak...
GrenadierBecause subtlety isn't your strong suit.
HackerNo system can contain you.
Heavy Equipment OperatorJust the right touch.
HeroSaved the galaxy!
RepairmanDecommissioned Robot ZX547.
SharpshooterPerfect shooting against the mining probe firewall.
Stick Up ArtistWe can do this the hard way.