Children of Morta (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A New MemberSave the wolf cub.
AdventurerComplete 5 in-run events.
Ancient KnowledgeUpgrade The Book of Rea 5 times.
Ancient MasteryUpgrade The Book of Rea 15 times.
Armed to the TeethUpgrade 75 times in the workshop.
BargainerFree the shopkeeper.
Birth of HopeBring Hope into the world.
ChallengerComplete 10 challenge rooms.
Charming BergsonUse 5 charms in the same dungeon run.
Children of GeppettoReunite the automata.
Cream of the CropUnlock all family traits of a Bergson.
Di Vine MachineConstruct Ben's wine machine.
ExplorerComplete 10 in-run events.
FaithfulFind 10 divine items in a single dungeon.
Family ReunionUnlock all playable characters.
Ferocity DeniedKill 50 ferocious enemies.
Ferocity Shut DownKill 250 ferocious enemies.
First SpiritFree Anai-Dya.
First StepDefeat the Spider King.
GamblerFree the blackmarketeer.
Gear MasteryUpgrade 25 times in the workshop.
Geared UpHave 3 runes equipped simultaneously.
Guardians of MortaDefeat OU.
I Won't Let You DieRevive 5 times in co-op mode.
It Has BegunInvestigate the shrine of Rea.
It Runs in the FamilyKill a boss with every playable character.
LoremasterFind 20 journals.
Master of the ObeliskGain each obelisk effect at least once.
Most CuriousResolve 20 puzzle events.
Mother MaryRescue Mary.
No More SecretsFind 10 secrets.
Omnes pro UnoUnlock all family traits.
PerfectionistKill a boss without receiving damage.
Richie RichHave 20000 Morv.
RunemenderFree the runemender.
Sand SurvivorFree Anai-Raha.
ScavengerBring back 15 souvenirs from the dungeons.
StargazerShelter the stargazer.
Stronger TogetherFinish a dungeon in co-op mode.
Together We StandUnlock a family trait of three different Bergsons.
Too Hot to StayFree Anai-Sarava.
TricksterKill 100 enemies using hazards.
Unstoppable FamilyKill 5000 enemies.
Unus pro OmnibusUnlock a family trait.
Well-equippedUpgrade 10 times in the workshop.