Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
5kKill 5000 Zombies in Zombies (Original, Mutant, Hero) Mode.
AceEarn 2,500 kills in Family Battle.
ActivateSurvival: Survive Trap 100 times.
AM50 Assists & Pass 100 times in Football Mode.
AngelGift Cash Items to other players 30 times.
AngraKill Angra 100 times.
AttackDefeat the Fallen Titan 100 times.
AwakePlay for 24 hours in a row.
BerserkAchieve 1000 kills as the Beast.
BoomPlant C4 100 times + Defuse C4 100 times in Original Mode.
Bot 1Reach Elite difficulty in Bot mode (excluding Bot Zombie mode).
Bot 2Open Elite Difficulty in Bot Zombie Mode.
BusterPlay for 350 hours in Zombie mode with other Family members.
CBSteal & Goal Defense the ball 200 times in Football Mode.
CitySurvival: Clear Lost City 100 times.
ClearedClear all Daily Missions (20) 100 times.
ComancheDefeat Comanche 100 times.
CommandDefeat Lost Guardian 100 times.
CS ManiaPlay for 2,000 hours or more.
DecoyKill Revenant 100 times.
Demo Man10,000 Kills using Bazooka in Bazooka Battle.
DestroyWin New Zombie Shelter: Team Match 100 times.
DMSteal & Pass 100 times the ball 100 times in Football Mode.
EnhanceAchieved Weapon Enhancement 100 times.
ErikaDefeat the Mad Mechanic 100 times.
EscapeEscape 3,000 times in Zombie Escape Mode.
EvolveEvolve from Normal Zombie, into Host Zombie, and then Powerful Host Zombie, 10,000 times.
FailureFailed to enhance the weapon 3000 times.
GangAccumulate 100 Continuous 5 Plays in Map Advancement.
GearDefeat XT-300 100 times.
GoalieGoal Defense 50 times in Football Mode.
GodlikeEarn 3 consecutive 1000 kills without dying in Original/Team Deathmatch.
H ShotsEarn 1,000 Headshots.
HawkeyeKill 3000 Hiddens in Hidden Mode.
InfectorInfect humans in Zombie Escape mode 5,000 times or more.
IntoObstacle Destruction, Restraint Device Dismantling.
KeeperSurvival: Clear Double Gate 100 times.
KiteKill 300 Stingray Kites in maps where Stingray Kites appear.
LastClear New Zombie Shelter: Co-op 100 times.
LiberoAchieve the following: 5,000 Ball Tackles + 10 Defenses + 1,000 Passes + 100 Scored Goals.
MachineKill 10,000 Zombies in a single round of Zombie Scenario.
MeisterSuccessfully craft a weapon 300 times.
Melee10,000 Melee Weapon Kills.
MillionKill a total of 1,000,000 Zombies in Zombie Scenario.
MVPBecome MVP 2,500 times.
OberonKill Oberon 100 times.
OspreyDefeat Osprey 100 times.
PerfectClear All Daily Missions.
PhobosKill Phobos 100 times.
PhoenixSurvival: Clear 100 times in Groundwater.
PilgrimClear Lost City, Double Gates, Trap, Last Clue, Chaos, and Dead End modes.
PlayerAchieve the following: 500 Scored Goals + 1,000 Supports + 5,000 Passes.
PoisonDefeat Dione 100 times.
ReliableAccomplish 1,000 Assists in Basic Mode.
RevengeExact revenge 1,000 times.
RustyDefeat the Rusty Scorpion 100 times.
ScenarioPlay Scenario mode with Family member for 350 hours.
SmasherKill 300 mosquitoes in a map where mosquitoes appear.
SpecialComplete 30 continuous special missions.
Step 1Reach Level 6.
Striker100 Goals in Football Mode.
SurviveSuccessfully survive (win as a human) Zombie (Original, Mutant, Hero) mode 5,000 times.
VeteranParticipate in 100 Family Battles.
WeaponRifle, Sub-Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle, Machine Gun, Shotgun, Pistol.
Winner300 wins in Team Deathmatch mode.