Crusader Kings II (PC)

Console Commands

Hit ~ Key then input the following codes.

cash5000 gold
Change your characters cultureculture [enter culture here]
Change your religionreligon [enter sect here]
clears the console screenclear
kills the character associated with the ID put in.kill (character ID)
Lets you marry anyone including close familymarry_anyone
Lets You Set Any Law with no wait or voteallow_laws
piety5000 piety
prestige5000 prestige
prints the message "No help for you!", no other (known) effecthelp

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Pope of My OwnSet up an antipope.
All Three PopesPlay a game where there are two simultaneous antipopes.
Always Bet On DukeWork your way up from Count to Duke with a single character.
And Stay Out!Throw the Aztec invaders back into the sea.
Black WidowAs a woman, have three different husbands killed.
CelebrityAmass more than 15,000 in prestige.
CrusaderFulfill the goal of a Crusade.
Crusader KingStarting in the "Stamford Bridge" bookmark, hold the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Decadent WarriorAs a Muslim, crush a Decadence revolt.
Divine BloodAchieve a score of 100,000.
Dragon BloodAchieve a score of 50,000.
Dream HomeAs a Patrician dynasty, build every upgrade for your Family Palace.
Dwarf FortressHave seven courtiers with the Dwarf trait.
EmpressivePlay as three consecutive generations of empresses.
Exalted Among MenFulfill the Become Exalted ambition.
Full HouseSire five children.
Hard RulerStarting in the "Stamford Bridge" bookmark as Harald of Norway, become the King of England.
Holy SmokeSacrifice another religion's head as a Norse or Aztec pagan.
It's Better to be the EmperorWork your way up from Count to Emperor with a single character.
It's Good to be the KingWork your way up from Count to King with a single character.
Keeping it in the FamilySire a child that has the Inbred trait.
Khan of KhansConquer continental Western Europe as the Mongol Empire, starting in "The Mongols" bookmark.
Kingdom of DavidAs a Jew, create the Kingdom of Israel.
Legacy of RomeRestore the Roman Empire.
Merchant PrinceAmass more than 20,000 in wealth.
Mr. Doge-ElectAs a Patrician, win an election and become Doge.
New Ways for Old GodsReform one of the Pagan religions.
On English Neck a Norman YokeStarting in the "Stamford Bridge" bookmark as William the Bastard, become the King of England.
Paragon of VirtueFulfill the Paragon of Virtue ambition.
PentarchAs an Orthodox Christian, hold Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem.
Persistent SurvivorPlay a game all the way through from 867 to 1453.
PilgrimGo on a Christian Pilgrimage.
Prester JohnAs a Catholic, have a border with Miaphysite Abyssinia.
Protector of the Holy PlacesHave Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina within your Realm.
Royal BloodAchieve a score of 10,000.
Russkaya PravdaCreate the Kingdom of Russia as a Slav.
S.P.Q.R.As the Roman Empire, reclaim the old imperial borders.
SaintAmass more than 10,000 in piety.
SurvivorPlay a game all the way through from 1066 to 1453.
The Black BishopFund an immoral bishop and get him elected Pope.
The Caliphate Strikes BackStarting in the "Stamford Bridge" bookmark as the Abbasid Caliph, become independent and hold an empire title.
The Marriage GameMarry another character.
The One Who Brings BenefitAs a Zoroastrian, become the prophesied Saoshyant.
The Outside BetStarting in the "Stamford Bridge" bookmark as Svend II of Denmark, become the King of England.
To Mecca!Go on a Hajj to Mecca.
Trade EmpireYour Republic maintains trade posts in 80 provinces.
Turbulent PriestAssassinate a vassal bishop that likes the Pope better than you.
United the KingdomsHold the kingdoms of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
Until Death Do Us PartHave your spouse assassinated.
Viking RaiderAs a Viking, return home with 1,000 worth of loot.

Various Steam Achievements: The Reaper's Due

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
An Honest MistakeFrom Seclusion, kick someone out who did not have the plague.
Aptly NamedDie from the Black Death.
Close CallFrom Seclusion, kick someone out who had the plague.
Eternity DeniedKill a character with the Immortal trait.
HospitableBuild a Hospital.
I Got BetterRecover from the Black Death.
No SolicitorsGo into Seclusion.
Not So BadSurvive the End Times.
Papal MacheHave elephants trample the Pope/Caliph.
Scarrrrrred for LifeBecome One-Eyed, One-Legged and One-Handed.
There Can Be Only OneBecome immortal.
Typhoid MaryContract three symptoms.