Dead Horde (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AirportFinish the map Airport.
AmorerUpgrade the assault rifle to the max in the campaign.
ArsenalPurchase all weapons in the campaign.
Award WinnerBonus multiplier reached 10.
DepotFinish the map Depot.
Don't get hurt!Bonus multiplier reached 50.
EasyFinish the campaign in Easy.
Elite KillerBonus multiplier reached 100.
ExpertKill 5000 mutants.
FactoryFinish the map Factory.
GrenadierPurchase all grenade types in the campaign.
HarborFinish the map Harbor.
HardFinish the campaign in Hard.
HighwayFinish the map Highway.
ImmortalFinish one mission in difficulty hard without being killed.
Insane!Finish the campaign in Insane.
Junk YardFinish the map Junk Yard.
Military BaseFinish the map Military Base.
NormalFinish the campaign in Normal.
RipDied 10x.
RookieKill 10 mutants.
Self-made MillionairePickup 21 money packs.
SkilledKill 1000 mutants.
SpecialistKill 10000 mutants.
SpeedrunFinish a mission in less than 12 minutes.
Stay lying downDied 50x.
TownFinish the map Town.
VillageFinish the map Village.