Demonicon (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AbstinentPlayed Demonicon through without using a single healing potion.
Apothecary250 potions or poisons used.
Asfaloth's AdversaryGave Ulev the talisman.
Awaken!Received the Gift in the tutorial.
Back to the Nether Hells!Taifelel defeated.
Belhalhar's ButcherPlayed Demonicon through in Nether Hellish difficulty.
Belhalhar's MinionPlayed Demonicon through in Hard difficulty.
Blakharaz' SwordBanished bandits.
Chain ArtistLearned Chain of Blows.
Deceive and DisguiseBecame member of the Kreutzer Cartel.
Demon SlayerDefeated the overpowering Heshthot in the market.
Dilettante10 potions or poisons used.
Eager StudentReached Mastery Rank Four in one talent.
Experienced50 potions or poisons used.
Fall of the ProphetessDefeated Azaril.
Farewell, SisterKilled Cassio and sacrificed her blood.
Father!Freed father from imprisonment.
Frenzied Chain ArtistAchieved a chain of 12 blows and triggered Demonic Fever.
GodlikeRaised an attribute to its maximum.
GotterdammerungIntroduced the Catechism to the New Church.
GrandmasterReached Level 7 in one Adventure talent.
Gul'zr'ogh's VanquisherDefeated Ghamat and the Plague Maw.
Hells Can WaitSacrificed Calandra as First Paladin.
IconoclasmDestroyed the New Church's Catechism.
In The Face?!Killed Borak the Bruiser.
It Ends Where It BeganReturned to Moloch Mountain.
Master Chain ArtistAchieved a chain of 24 blows.
Mercy Before JusticeSpared the cannibal in Moloch Mountain.
Mishkara's CapriceLed the Fernfielders to their fate.
Mishkara's EnemyGave Genla the talisman.
PacteererCast 200 Gift spells.
PerseveringKilled 10 enemies solely with Ranged Weapons.
Prepare for Adventure!Passed a Talent test.
Self ConflictDefeated the Iribaar's Lily and yourself.
Serve and ProtectBecame member of the City Guard.
ShadowstalkerSuccessfully dodged two hundred times.
Son of ManAcknowledged father and thereby chosen humanity.
SteadfastDenied Calandra.
Tasfarelel's ShadowBanished guards.
The Demon Master's HeritageSpoken to Borbarad's Council of the Dead.
The Last MealKilled the cannibal in Moloch Mountain.
The Source of the EvilCaught the summoner in the Praios temple.
There Can Only Be OneConvicted and killed Falk.
True LoveSacrificed yourself as First Paladin.
UntouchableCompleted 5 battles without a scratch.
WantonSlept with Calandra.
WarriorUsed 200 combat moves.
Will to PowerAcknowledged Seghal and thereby chosen the Gift.
Xarfai's PledgeSuffered the pain of Rondra's prescence.