EvilQuest (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
BloodbatherKill 1500 enemies.
BooshwackerKill King Jerric's top general.
CarnivoreEat 10 Hams and 10 Steaks.
Cold Hearted BastardLearn Ice1 and kill your teacher.
Demonic ArsonistKill 50 enemies with Fire2.
DragonlordKill 100 Dragons.
ElectrocutionerKill 5 enemies at one time with Lit2.
Ethereal SpiritEquip The Invisibility Cloak.
Fowl ObsessionEat 5 Whole Chickens.
Fury Of The AbyssKill 8 enemies at one time with Shadow2.
Geocidal ManiacKill 4 enemies at one time with Earth2.
GluttonEat 75 Pieces of Food.
Heart of StoneOpen The Earth Seal.
Hellfire and BrimstoneOpen The Fire Seal.
Hypothermic HomicideFreeze 30 enemies with Ice.
Icy Hand of DeathOpen The Ice Seal.
Immortal BloodReach a Vitality level of 35.
KingslayerKill King Jerric.
Left-Hand PathReach an Intelligence level of 35.
Lord of All EvilEquip all Chaos Gear.
Magus MalignusEquip The Amulet of Magic.
Mildly MalevolentBeat the game on Normal.
Murder JunkieMurder 5 deserving NPCs.
Rampant NarcissismObtain a portrait of Galvis.
Reptilian BrainEquip all Dragon Gear.
Ride The LightningOpen The Lightning Seal.
Ruthless AgressionReach a Strength level of 35.
Succubus WorshipGive 1000 GP to a dancer.
Ultimate ArchvillainBeat the game on Difficult.
Unstoppable ForceReach a Toughness level of 35.
WidowmakerKill 750 enemies.