Fate Tectonics (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Achilles TileCollapse entire world with a single hole.
AdmiralConstruct twenty-five fleets.
Anger ManagementHave Penelope, Barnacles, Hogweed, Pestur and Catlas at 80% anger at the same time.
AquaphobiaReach level 7 without placing a fleet.
Back to Square OneCollapse from level 3+ to a single tile.
BalanceReach Act 2.
BewareReach Act 3.
Bring out your deadSurvive a plague affecting 10(?) castles at once.
Brownie TrailSummon Hogweed.
Budding NationSettle fifty cities.
Bull In A China ShopReplace a tile with a crystal pyramid on it.
Calm Blue OceanPlace 30 ocean tiles in 30 seconds without a loss or mismatch.
Castle CrasherHave a castle within 2 minutes of starting a new age.
Civilized CompanyReach level 9 only using Penelope (and Pestur)
Cold ShoulderCollapse entire world with a single blizzard.
Deep ImpactSurvive placing Archaeomagosaurus.
Disease with EaseSurvive a plague.
Divine InterventionSurvive a major world collapse with at least one temple.
EnlightenedEntire pantheon active.
Fairy RingUnlock all of Hogweed's powers.
Fancy FeastUnlock all of Catlas' powers.
Fly on the WallReach level 7 without Pestur getting angry about anything.
FlyentologyPestur is the only active Fate.
Full HouseUse every disaster power at least once in a single Doom event.
Glitter GlueRepair ten crystal pyramids.
Going For A RecordDestroy the world ten times.
Happy CampersReach level 7 without any Fates triggering a disaster.
Herbal MedicineStop a blight with enchanted forest.
Here Kitty KittySummon Catlas.
HereticReplace a tile with a temple on it.
High Plains ClickerPlace 20 grassland tiles in 30 seconds without a loss or mismatch.
Industrial RevolutionUnlock all of Penelope's powers.
Isolation ChamberStop a blight with a crystal pyramid.
Just Getting StartedDestroy the world once.
Lonely IslandUse a single tile to start a new unconnected landmass.
Magnitude 8.0Collapse entire world with a single earthquake.
Movin' On UpA city has grown into a castle.
My Kingdom For A HorseHave an explorer walk a very long distance before settling.
Nailed ItPlace a tile that matches other tiles on all four sides.
Never Gonna Let You DownReach level 4 without losing or replacing a tile.
Not a player, just crush a lotSurvive Hogweed completely filling his anger bar.
Nothing SpecialReach level 4 only using tile placement powers.
One Weird TrickReach level 2 in 3 minutes.
OverworkedCollapse entire world only by placing industry.
Patchwork100 mismatched tile placements.
Piece of QuakeSurvive an earthquake.
Pond CommanderPlace a fleet in the smallest possible body of water.
PopulousSettle one hundred cities.
QuarantinePestur plagues the smallest possible island.
RottenCollapse entire world with a single blight.
Smooth SailingConstruct fifty fleets.
Something Something DinosaursCollapse entire world with a single meteor shower.
Takes a villageSettle five cities.
Thar He Blows!Summon Barnacles.
The Briney DeepCollapse entire world with a single tsunami.
Third Time's A CharmDestroy the world three times.
Tis But A SplashSurvive a tsunami.
TitanicCreate mountains by freezing a tsunami.
Try, Try AgainDestroy the world five times.
Washed AwayStop a blight with erosion.
Waste Not, Want NotThrow away 100 tiles.
Wee DingyConstruct five fleets.
Winter Is ComingSurvive placing Auroara.
Won't You Be My NeighbourPlace two temples next to each other.
World is your OysterUnlock all of Barnacles' powers.
Yikes-Spikes!Place two world pillars next to each other.