Flat Heroes (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Air SlashKill a tracer while on air.
AmbushKill four tracers in a single attack.
ApprenticeSurvive longer than 1:50 minutes on phases survival.
Be water, my friendPerform a "Triple Dash" five times in the same play session.
Black BeltPerform a Dash - Levitation - Dash Attack.
Bomberman - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 7 Boss.
BombermanDefeat the World 7 Boss.
Bubble PartyKill hundred bubbles in a combo.
ColorfulUnlock All Palettes.
Dash Crash - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 1 Boss.
Dash CrashDefeat the World 1 Boss.
Dear DiarySurvive longer than two minutes on daily survival.
Eat That Apple - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 5 Boss.
Eat That AppleDefeat the World 5 Boss.
ExplorerUnlock All Modes.
FireballPerform a "Dash Attack" five times in the same play session.
Flat HeroComplete all levels.
Floor is LavaDon't touch any surface for ten seconds.
Hit That Ball - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 4 Boss.
Hit That BallDefeat the World 4 Boss.
Killing SpreePerform three Triple Kills on battle mode in the same play session.
Lone WolfSurvive longer than 90 seconds on solo survival.
Oh noUse the Super Bomb against the hero arrows on Waves.
PacifistSurvive 60 seconds on arrows survival without attacking.
Path of the HeroComplete all regular levels.
PersistenceSurvive longer than two minutes on steep survival.
Pim Pam Pum - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 9 Boss.
Pim Pam PumDefeat the World 9 Boss.
Quite The HeroSurvive longer than four minutes on mix survival.
Rogue - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 10 Boss.
RogueDefeat the World 10 Boss.
ShepherdKeep at least one arrow alive for the first 30 seconds on solo.
Snake Eyes - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 2 Boss.
Snake EyesDefeat the World 2 Boss.
SnakecharmerKill thirty arrows with a single attack.
The Colossus - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 8 Boss.
The ColossusDefeat the World 8 Boss.
The King of Flat - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 3 Boss.
The King of FlatDefeat the World 3 Boss.
Tornado Chaser - Hero EditionDefeat the Hero World 6 Boss.
Tornado ChaserDefeat the World 6 Boss.
VertigoSurvive longer than two minutes on vertical survival.
Warrior TrialsSurvive longer than 3:30 minutes on phases survival.
YonduSurvive longer than 90 seconds on arrows survival.