Garage: Bad Trip (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AnarchySmash 15 vending machines.
ArchivistFind all the parts of Demikhovsky's diary.
Arena ChallengeComplete the Arena Challenge.
Axe-man ChallengeComplete the Axe-man Challenge.
CentipedeKill the centipede.
Choo-ChooRide the train.
DemikhovskyKill Demikhovsky.
DreadnoughtKill Dreadnought.
GestaltBeat the game.
KleptomaniacOpen the shelf in the desk.
Labyrinth ChallengeComplete the Labyrinth Challenge.
My First TimeKill your first cadaver.
Neat FreakPick up soap in the shower room.
New Boss in the OfficeDispose of the old boss.
PharmacistTake "heavenly" pills.
Safe SexFind a condom.
SafecrackerUnlock a combination lock.
SherlockFind a secret passage.
Skirmish ChallengeComplete the Skirmish Challenge.
Soccer PlayerScore a goal with your head.
TV ManiaWatch a TV show.