Gord (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Faithful PetThe Alliance - Transfer a familiar across at least three campaign scenarios.
A Legend Is BornKill a Horror with a child.
Aitvar CalmerKill Aitvar in a Custom Scenario.
Ardaven CleanserKill Ardaven in a Custom Scenario.
Be The Very BestThe Alliance - Raise a familiar to a Legendary Level.
Beast ModeThe Alliance - Kill 100 enemies using tamed familiars.
BlessedUnlock all Incantations.
Bubbles?!Have six subjects bathing in a Balia at the same time.
Cleansing WatersThe Alliance - Finish the 2nd campaign scenario and drown the ancient evil.
Come By Here/KumbayaFinish a Custom Scenario without killing anybody.
Daboh WrathKill five enemies with a single Godray Incantantion.
Dances With WolvesThe Alliance - Have 5 wolf familiars at the same time.
DefenderFinish the 3rd campaign scenario by keeping your gord safe.
DiplomatFinish the 6th campaign scenario by reasoning with the unreasonable.
Eager BeaverFinish all main objectives available in Custom Scenarios.
Elite SquadThe Alliance - Have 5 Legendary familiars under your control in a single scenario.
Escape ArtistThe Alliance - Finish the 1st campaign scenario and set the first step on your road to freedom.
FighterHave a subject die of old age under the influence of two afflictions.
Foehn SlayerKill Foehn in a Custom Scenario.
Gotta Tame Them AllThe Alliance - Tame all available familiar types.
Great StartWin a Custom Scenario.
Hand of the KingObtain all achievements.
HeroFinish the 10th campaign scenario by saving your people from annihilation.
Hunter HuntedThe Alliance - Kill Saragash the Devourer in a Custom Scenario.
If It BleedsKill a legendary monster.
IronwillFinish the 8th campaign scenario by keeping your mind strong.
It's a Trap!The Alliance - Build 15 Traps across all Game Modes
Jack of All TradesHave one subject reach level 5 in all skills.
KingsbaneFinish the campaign on the hardest difficulty with permadeath.
Last RitesBury a subject's body in the Burial Grounds.
Lauma ExecutionerKill Lauma in a Custom Scenario.
Leyin HunterKill Leyin in a Custom Scenario.
Libera ExpulserKill Libera in a Custom Scenario.
Lord of the FliesHave at least two children at the same time, without any adults.
MidasFinish the 5th campaign by becoming rich and staying alive.
Morkul PurgerKill Morkul in a Custom Scenario.
My First GordFinish the 1st campaign scenario by setting up the first gord for the Calanthians.
New Dawn RisesThe Alliance - Finish the 5th campaign scenario and win your freedom.
Pack InstinctThe Alliance - Have 5 familiars under your control in a single scenario.
PactmakerThe Alliance - Finish the 3rd campaign scenario and make a bloody pact.
PaladinFinish the 9th campaign scenario by defeating the the Cursed Ones.
Party Time!Have six subjects drinking in the Meaderies at the same time.
PathfinderFinish the 2nd campaign scenario by finding your way through the thicket.
Prime LeadershipFinish a Custom Scenario on the hardest difficulty.
ProsperityReach the maximum level of Growth, Sanity and Faith in one scenario.
Real Estate CrisisFinish a scenario without raising a palisade.
Rusalka ButcherKill Rusalka in a Custom Scenario.
Save the PuppyThe Alliance - Finish a Custom Scenario without losing a single familiar.
StrategistFinish the 4th campaign scenario by gathering resources and training warriors.
SurvivorFinish the 7th campaign scenario by surviving in the harsh environment.
That Special SomeoneTransfer a unit across at least three campaign scenarios.
The Last Man StandingFinish the main objective of a Custom Scenario with only one subject alive.
The More the MerrierReach the maximum population count.
The Winged SpearThe Alliance - Finish the 4th campaign scenario and tame a living artifact.
Time for an AdventureComplete the first side-quest.
True BeastmasterThe Alliance - Finish the expansion campaign on a hardest difficulty with permadeath.
Unleash the BeastThe Alliance - Kill 25 enemies using tamed familiars.
WallbreakerThe Alliance - Kill Walok the Guardian in a Custom Scenario.
Who's a Good Boy?The Alliance - Tame your first familiar.
Winds HowlingUse Senses View for the first time.
Wonder YearsComplete the campaign without assigning any work to children.
Wonderful LifeHave a child born in the gord die from old age.
Works Like a CharmKill an enemy while controling a beast.
You Can Pet The DogThe Alliance - Pet your familiars at least 10 times in a single scenario.