Henchman Story (PC)


Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Heroic DuoLearned how to do what you love with who you love. (Ending #6)
A Real DynamoFormed an unlikely bond. (Ending #11)
Agent StanWelcome to the program. (Ending #12)
Bedlam's Big ScoreMade it through Operation Day in one piece.
Casual VillainySome supervillains have everything, and some henchman do too. (Ending #8)
CollectorGot every ending in Henchman Story. Way to go!
EntrepreneurForged your own path into the future. (Ending #3)
Henchman of the YearBecame the best henchman you could be, no matter what. (Ending #7)
I QuitHanded Lord Bedlam your resignation. With enthusiasm.
Lord StanleyBecame a true supervillain. (Ending #10)
Make a WagerSided with Kate during Saturday's confrontation.
Roll for InitiativeTook part in Game Night at the secret lair.
Seize OpportunitySided with Madame Scorpion during Saturday's confrontation.
Shine On, You Crazy MoronDefeated the world's newest superhero. Handily.
Shock Stick DiplomacyFought your way past Dave on Saturday.
Side HustleEarned some extra money by taking on a side gig.
Super-StanWent from henchman to hero. (Ending #4)
Superhero HookyFell in love with a superhero - and vice versa. (Ending #5)
The Final PanelCompleted a single playthrough of Henchman Story with any ending.
The Road UntakenCalled it quits. (Endings #1 and #2)
Thermodynamic MiracleStarted a romance.
Tragic BackstoryComplete the intro.
Triple CrossDefected to the other side and called in the cavalry.
TwistedBurned it all to the ground for each other. (Ending #9)
Villainy is My PassionSurvived a performance review.
You're a TalkerTalked your way past Dave on Saturday.