Jeeboman (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Ant bot execution!Kill 40 ant bots.
Ant bot slaughter!Kill 20 ant bots.
Brain bot neutralization!Kill 5 brain bots.
Brain bot nullification!Kill 10 brain bots.
Completed on EasyBeat the game on easy difficulty.
Completed on HardBeat the game on hard difficulty.
Completed on NormalBeat the game on normal difficulty.
Flying bot annihilation!Kill 1000 flying bots.
Flying bot destruction!Kill 500 flying bots.
Incessant WarpingWarp 1000 times.
Item Obsessive CompulsiveCollect 1000 pickups.
Laser bot liquidation!Kill 50 laser bots.
Laser bot negation!Kill 25 laser bots.
Melee 100Melee 100 enemies.
Melee 500Melee 500 enemies.
Mortar bot crusher!Kill 100 mortar bots.
Mortar bot obliterator!Kill 200 mortar bots.
Rocket bot massacre!Kill 100 rocket bots.
Rocket bot murder!Kill 50 rocket bots.
Turret bot eradication!Kill 200 turret bots.
Turret bot extermination!Kill 400 turret bots.