Legend of Dungeon (PC)


Change your name

Enter the controller settings and select "player one" instead of "Player 1" controller. You can then type any name you wish.

Skip Floors

Before you start a run, head to the Options menu and click on the dwarf located near the screen's lower right side. A "Secret Dwarf" prompt will appear, and you can replace that text with Skip #, where '#' is anything from 0 to 36 and represents the floor to which you wish to skip. Note that you can only do this before you begin a run. You'll head directly from the tavern to the desired level, and return to the tavern when you're done.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AlcoholismDie from Alcohol poisoning.
Bar BrawlDie in the Tavern.
Boss HunterKill Every Boss in a Single Run.
Boss SlayerKill Every Boss.
Hero!You brought the treasure back!
Hot FootFall into Lava.
Never Gona Give You Up!Play the game 100 times without winning.
Not A FlukeYou brought the treasure back 5 times!
Not Afraid of the DarkBeat the game without picking up the Lantern.
Nothing To See HereNo one will believe you anyway.
PETADie from Kitten Wraiths.
Teamwork!beat the game in multiplayer.
Trigger HappyShoot and kill a teammate.
Unstoppable!You brought the treasure back 10 times!
Weak BladderChange in the bathroom 100 times.
WHAT THE STUFF!?Beat the game on Impossible Mode.