Midnight Ghost Hunt (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
10 Ghost Wins!Win ten games as a Ghost.
10 Headshots as A Prop!Get ten headshots as a prop.
10 Hunter Wins!Win ten games as a Hunter.
10 Kills as a Ghost!Kill 10 Hunters.
10 Kills as a Hero Prop!As a hero prop, kill ten hunters.
10 Kills as a Hunter!Kill 10 Ghosts.
100 Ghost Wins!Win hundred games as a Ghost.
100 Headshots as A Prop!Get hundred headshots as a prop.
100 Hunter Wins!Win hundred games as a Hunter.
100 Kills as A Lamp Prop!Get hundred kills as a Lamp.
100 Kills as a Ghost!Kill hundred Hunters.
100 Kills as a Hero Prop!As a hero prop, kill hundred hunters.
100 Kills as a Hunter!Kill 100 Ghosts.
25 Taunts In One Game!As a Ghost, taunt 25 times in one game.
250 Taunts!Taunt 250 times.
ACE!Kill a team of four by yourself
Ace MasterGet five Aces.
C4 Master250 C4 Kills.
Corruption Master100 Corruption Kills.
Doppelganger Master100 Doppelganger Kills.
Flamethrower Master250 Flamethrower Kills.
Frostbite Master250 Frostbite Kills.
Ghost Victory!Won first game as a ghost.
Ghostsmasher Master250 Ghostsmasher Kills.
Grenade Master250 Grenade Kills.
Harpoon Bazooka Master250 Harpoon Bazooka Kills
Hunter Victory!Won first game as a hunter.
Miasma Master100 Miasma Kills.
Poltergeist Master100 Poltergeist Kills.
Possess 1000 Props!As a ghost, possess thousand props.
Project X Master250 Project X Kills.
Reaper Master250 Reaper Kills.
Riot Shield Master50 Riot Shield Kills.
Salt Shotgun Master250 Salt Shotgun Kills.
Shover of Hunters100 Shoves.
Sledgehammer Kills250 Sledgehammer kills.
Spectral Cannon Master250 Spectral Cannon Kills.
Telekinesis Master100 Telekinesis Kills.
The Master of LoadoutsAchieve all loadout specific achievements.
Unlock 25 Cosmetics!Unlock 25 different cosmetics.
Unlock All Cosmetics!Unlock every cosmetic in the game.
Unlock Any CosmeticUnlock a single cosmetic.