Obenseuer (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Above the Poverty LineGet 1000 RM.
AbsolutistGet rid of alcohol addiction.
All WorksUpgrade all utilities to at least level 1.
Beer MasterRaise drinking skill to level 10.
BeginnerComplete the first tenement upgrade.
Broke BadRaise chemistry skill to level 10.
BureaucratRaise paperwork skill to level 10.
BurglarGet a medium burglar points.
Burn MoneyFind a way to burn money.
CriminalHave a medium bounty.
Decent ApartmentsUpgrade all apartments to level 3.
Duck HaterCure addiction to ducks.
Ducks Ducks Ducks!Get addicted to ducks.
Eternal NovemberSurvive an year in Obenseuer.
Fine ApartmentsUpgrade all apartments to level 4.
First TenantRent an apartment to someone.
Forgotten WorldGet to the Bergmann tunnels.
HandymanRaise manufacturing skill to level 10.
I should be hereMax out all addictions.
I shouldn't be hereRecover from all addictions.
I'm not an AlcoholicGet maximum alcohol addiction.
Just One More CigaretteGet maximum smoking addiction.
Kilju MakerRaise brewing skill to level 10.
Let there be LightInstall the electricity in the tenement.
LibertyServe the jail time.
Lively TenementEvery apartment is occupied.
Lockpicking OutcastRaise lockpicking skill to level 10.
Lost and FoundGet your debit card.
Magic MushroomsFind blue mushrooms.
Makeshift ApartmentsUpgrade all apartments to level 1.
Master ChefRaise cooking skill to level 10.
Master NegotiatorRaise bribery skill to level 10.
Maximizing MiseryHave absolute zero expectations.
Me Mash MasterRaise mashing skill to level 10.
Metal WorkerRaise machining skill to level 10.
Middle ClassGet 10000 RM.
MoonshinerRaise distilling skill to level 10.
Most WantedHave a high bounty.
MycophobiaGet rid of mushroom addiction.
NewcomerSurvive a week in Obenseuer.
No Longer AbandonedHalf of the apartments are occupied.
Part of the 10 PercentGet 100000 RM.
Petty CriminalHave a low bounty.
PickyHave high expectations.
Prison BreakEscape from prison.
Professional BurglarGet a high burglar points.
Rare CaseGet rid of fungus.
Settled DownSurvive a month in Obenseuer.
Shabby ApartmentsUpgrade all apartments to level 2.
Silence of the DucksKill the duck.
SmokelessGet rid of smoking addiction.
The CarpenterRaise carpentry skill to level 10.
The Colorful WorldGet maximum mushroom addiction.
The Jar of DeathObtain Polonium-210.
The Other SideEnter the Other Side.
To the HeightsGain access to all floors.
TrespasserGet a low burglar points.
Turnip FarmerRaise farming skill to level 10.
Under Lock and KeyGet arrested.
Victim of FungiDie of fungal disease.
Warm InsideInstall the heating in the tenement.
Water FlowInstall the plumbing in the tenement.
Welcome to Open SewerEnter the Obenseuer.