Operation Red Dragon (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AmmorinoBuy ammo.
BOX BOX all dayUse the weaponbox.
Calm downPlay some music to calm down.
DamagerinoUpgrade your damage.
ExplorerFinish the map Labyrinth.
Hey I just startedPlay the game for 5 hours.
I'm getting pretty goodPlay the game for 50 hours.
Master guardianGet to wave 20.
Nice pc broWatch the benchmark.
RegenerionBuy the regeneration perk.
RythmFind the music box.
StaminoBuy the Stamina perk.
Supreme guardianGet to wave 40.
SurvivorSurvive one game for over 1.5 hours.
TankerinoBuy the tank perk.
You deserve a cookieGet to wave 50.
You think this is a game?Kill over 100 000 enemies.
Zombie KillerKill over 10 000 enemies.