Road 96 (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Light in the DarknessBlow the fire.
Almost There?Reach Road 96 for the first time.
Border MasterDiscover Petria's fate.
Campaign FunderCall and Donate to the Florres or Tyrak Campaign Funding.
Cat PersonPet the cat in the trailer park.
Collect 'em AllCollect all tapes.
Hard ChoiceMake a hard choice in crossing the border.
Help a FriendHelp Zoe to escape from the cops.
HomesickCall Home.
Old ProReach Road 96 for the sixth time.
Road PalsMeet Zoe for the first time.
Stone After StoneAdd at least three rocks on Road 96's cairn.