Rocket Wars (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
BARE GRILLS (10)Win a game of Survivor without dying once
BLOODY MARY (10)Kill an enemy by deflecting his own Sniper shot with the Pulse
BRAWLER (10)Kill 20 enemies by using the Pulse as a melee weapon
BUCKSHOT (10)Kill 2 enemies with a single Shotgun burst
BULLSEYE (10)Kill 3 enemies with a single Sniper weapon (across all 3 shots)
BUZZKILL (10)Kill an enemy by deflecting a Buzzsaw
COUCH PARTY (10)Play 3 matches of any mode with a full lobby of people
FIGHT TO THE END (10)Win a game of Nuke King by surpassing the leading player via the last Nuke explosion
GOTTA UNLOCK 'EM ALL! (10)Unlock all 12 ships
ICARUS (10)Use the pulse to push an enemy into the sun
LEVEL UP! (10)Unlock your first ship
LITERALLY ROCKET SCIENCE (10)Stay in orbit around the sun for a full 10 seconds without thrusting
MINESWEEPER (10)Destroy 30 mines
ROCKET WARS MASTER (10)Get all achievements in Rocket Wars
SHUT-DOWN (10)Kill a player who has the Nuke within 1 second of him getting it
SPACE CADET (10)Kill 50 enemies
SPACE TYRANT (10)Kill 150 enemies
SPACE WARLORD (10)Kill 500 enemies
TIMBER! (10)Get a triple-kill with the Buzzsaw
UNTOUCHABLE (10)Detonate the Nuke without taking damage