Runespell: Overture (PC)

Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
A Tale Of Two StonesDefeat two Wardens stones.
BewitchedActive a Powercard 10 times.
Bing Blang BlaowWin 15 battles in a row.
Card SenseWin 5 battles without using any Powercards.
Card WhispererWin 7 battles without using any Powercards.
Clean Out the MapCollect 10000 hacksilver in the game.
CollectorUnlock all achievements.
Cry WolfDefeat warghul.
Damage DealerDeal in total more than 1000 points of damage.
DeepwalkerFinish the game.
Demolition ManDeal in total more than 10 000 points of damage.
Die HardWin 10 battles without leaving the game.
Divine DutyDefeat gullveig.
EnragedActive a Powercard 50 times.
Full Tilt BerserkDefeat dethgar.
Gathering The MagicObtain all powercards.
Hero CallWin 3 battles without using any Powercards.
HookedWin 5 battles without leaving the game.
ImaginenuityUse 7 card combinations in one battle.
Lucky BastardCollect 100 hacksilver in the game.
Major DiscoveryDiscover all major questlines in the game.
MarauderCollect 1000 hacksilver in the game.
PokerazorUse 3 card combinations in one battle.
PokerfaceUse 5 card combinations in one battle.
Popular DudeRecruit all allies.
PowerrrrrActive a Powercard 100 times.
Runespell MarathonWin 20 battles without leaving the game.
Runespell XLPlay all battles once.
Stay DownDefeat Berendur twice.
SupernovaDeal in total more than 5000 points of damage.
Take The King!!!Win against an opponent with only 1 HP left on player side.
Treasure HunterOpen 5 Treasure boxes.
Twisted SisterSurvive wyrd sister's time stop.
Victory StreakWin 10 battles in a row.
Winning StreakWin 5 battles in a row.