Savage Warriors (PC)

Change the number of rounds

Type CHEAT at the main menu and select the new option SECRET WAY. Then type the following:

Code - Effect

finalfive - Five rounds
nbk - Only one round

Cheat mode

Type cheat at the main menu to enable cheat mode. Select the "Secret Way" option, type one of the following cheat codes at that screen, and begin a one or two player game.

numberoneFight as Captain Warrior
mateFight as Pamela
dunkFight as Scott
replayToggle 3D mode
circusToggle Arena
forqaToggle development tools
easyspecialmovesToggle easy special moves
finalfiveToggle five rounds
evildeathToggle gore mode
nogainToggle lost weapons
eleventhToggle Master
nbkToggle one round
wooToggle special moves
nopainToggle special weapons
tysonToggle specials
snowwhiteToggle tiny characters

Fight as Captain Warrior

Enter numberone as a code.

Fight as Pamela

Enter mate as a code.

Fight as Scott

Enter dunk to fight as Scott.

Fight as Tom Teck

Enter gardener as a code.

Gore Mode

Type in evildeath to get Gore Mode.

Little Characters

Enter snowwhite.

Special Weapons

To use special weapons enter nopain as a code.