Space Gladiator (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
BronzeGet 10,000 points in a single round.
Cannon MasterDestroy 300 enemy with Cannon.
Death RayUnlocked "Destroyer".
Eagle StrikeUnlocked "Striker".
Electric Gun MasterDestroy 300 enemy Electric Gun.
Fireball MasterDestroy 300 enemy with Fireball.
GoldGet 100,000 points in a single round.
Light Sword MasterDestroy 300 enemy Light Sword.
Lightning ComesUnlocked "Thunder".
Machine Gun MasterDestroy 300 enemy with Machine Gun.
Max LevelUpgrade wing plane to level 5.
Nail Bomb MasterDestroy 300 enemy Nail Bomb.
No.2011Destroy No.2011.
No.2307Destroy No.2307.
No.2610Destroy No.2610.
Railgun MasterDestroy 300 enemy Railgun.
Rainbow MasterDestroy 300 enemy Rainbow.
Shotgun MasterDestroy 300 enemy with Shotgun.
SilverGet 50,000 points in a single round.
Six Walunts!Unlocked "Defender".
Ultimate No.2011Destroy Ultimate No.2011.
Ultimate No.2307Destroy Ultimate No.2307.
Ultimate No.2610Destroy Ultimate No.2610.
UnbendingFailed 50 times.