Spirit Roots (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All bosses defeaterDefeat all the bosses.
AvoiderFinish the level without using the sword.
CollectorFinish all levels with 3 stars.
Cornthrower defeaterDefeat the Cornthrower.
Dark WoodFinish the Dark Wood stage.
Dirty businessDefeat enemy in while being in swale.
Excellent resultFinish the level with 3 stars.
FarmerPlant all the beans in the game.
GandhiFinish the level without kills.
IcepieceFinish the Icepiece stage.
Leshy destroyerDefeat the Leshy.
No more gunsFinish the level without using a gun.
Pure victoryFinish the level without dying.
RepeaterReplay the level 10 times.
Scorpion winnerDefeat the Scorpion.
SkipjackJump on the mushroom 10 times without touching the ground.
Skooll crasherDefeat the Skooll.
Slipping assassinKill enemy while slipping.
So closeDie close to the finish.
Ssspider murdererDefeat the Ssspider.
SwampFinish the Swamp stage.
UndeadDie 30 times.
VillageFinish the Village stage.
WastelandFinish the Wasteland stage.
YogiDie from the thorns.