Super Onion Boy 2 (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Blue JellyfishDefeat the First Boss!
Blue SnakeDefeat the Blue Snake!
Crab BossDefeat the Third Boss!
Flying HeartFind a Flying Heart!
Flying RobotDefeat the Flying Robot!
Ice CrabDefeat the Ice Crab!
Mage Transformation!Unknown.
Magic Bubble!Unknown.
Magic SpringGo to Heaven with the Magic Spring!
Ninja Transformation!Unknown.
Power of Invincibility!Unknown.
Powerful BubbleUnknown.
Psychic BatDefeat the Second Boss!
Psychic PirateDefeat the Final Boss!
Snow SharkDefeat the Fourth Boss!
StarsGet all the Stars!