Vostok Inc. (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
100 down, how many more to go?Complete 100 objectives
99 Red BalloonsScore 99 in Balloon Popper mini game
All the bootyCollect 20 loot crates
Champion of the galaxyAnnihilate the Architect
Complete the credit gameBeat Vostok 2084
Corporate efficiencyKill 5000 enemies
Desk drone decruitingFill all middle manager cubicles, then flush them all out of the airlock while escaping in the pod
ExtractavaganzaBuild a total of 10000 extractors
Final frontierFully explored Sol
Galactic profiteeringHave 1 Quadrillion Galactic production per second
Galactic revenueHave 1 Billion Galactic production per second
Great galactic turnoverHave 1 Trillion Galactic production per second
Halfway there, living on a prayerComplete 300 objectives
HawkingPurchased all radar upgrades
HellacopterScore at least 666 in Cave Chopper
How much wood, would a woodguy chuck...Chop 222 logs
I'd recognise this hungry horde anywhereKill 99 undead in a round of Zombie Combat
IcarusFly through a sun
Into the abyssFully explored Voltimus
LVL 25 lieutenantReached lvl 25
Maximum dronesHave four drones circling you at once
Mix and matchUse 4 different weapons
MixmasterRemix Vent's song set
My eyes! MY EYES!Score at least 100 in Aquatic Attack
No One's SkyBuild something on every planet in the Galaxy
On a terrible SafariFully explored Casin
PacifistPlay without a weapon equipped for 10 minutes
Pew pew pewUse 9 different weapons
Planet crackerDestroy 10000 asteroids
Planetary referendumBuild 400 Government Offices across 10 planets
Punch itFully explored Galene
ReasearchaholicFully upgrade a building
Ship upgrade elitePurchased all ship upgrades
So I'm gonna need you to come in on SaturdayFill one room with middle managers
Someone's got a case of the MondaysLose 1 Trillion Moolah in one go on a Monday
Sunday trading masterMake a total of 1 Billion moolah on Sunday
Sunshine and rainbowsFully explored Vent
Tapping tycoonBuild 40 buildings, one at a time, in under 5 seconds
The dream teamRecruit all executives
The one percentA piece of platinum money can't buy. Complete all special objectives
This is going to be a long nightComplete 200 objectives
Turbo racerCompleted 10 races
Twelve parsecs? Pffft!Fly each Luxury space yacht
WormageddonScore 50 in Tapeworm mini game
You're my gun star heroUse all 19 weapons