Zack Zero (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
ArchaeologistFinding all Nahirg treasures.
As if you owned the placeCompleting the Nahirg's base levels.
Avalanche!Use rock spikes to kill 50 enemies.
Frisbee playerKilling 100 enemies with the blade launcher.
I feel the powerReach Zack's suit level 20.
Ice cream manUse frozen air to freeze 50 enemies.
Nothing can stop meFinish the game.
RockyUse the power of your rock punch to kill 50 enemies.
Space adventurerFinishing the outside of the Nahirg's planet level.
Spider killerFinishing the cave levels.
This is getting hotFinishing the rock and lava cave level.
ToasterKill 100 enemies using the flame thrower.
Treasure finderFind 5 nahirg treasures.
Variety is the spice of lifeKill 50 enemies using each of Zack's powers.
You can't scare meKilling a Nahirg general using only the blade launcher.