Zombie Parking (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AdvancedKill 500 zombies in one game.
ArmageddonUse a mass zombie destruction.
BoomKill zombie by exploding one Jerry can.
BrainsGet 10 headshots in a game.
Brains DestroyerGet 500 headshots for all time.
Brains DetectedGet 100 headshots in a game.
Double ArmageddonUse a mass zombie destruction twice in a game.
Double DamageUse a double damage twice in a game.
Double ShieldUse a shield twice in a game.
Double UnlimUse an unlimited ammo twice in a game.
ExploderKill 5 zombies by exploding one Jerry can.
Exploder AdvancedKill 50 zombies by exploding Jerry cans.
Exploder BegginerKill 10 zombies by exploding Jerry cans.
Exploder MasterKill 100 zombies by exploding Jerry cans.
First ScoreEarn 100 000 points for a game.
First StepsRun 1 kilometer in a game.
Good DamageUse a double damage.
Good ScoreEarn 500 000 points for a game.
Hello, Zombie!Kill 10 zombies in one game.
Kill ZombieKill 100 zombies in one game.
Lot of BrainsGet 10 headshots in a row.
ProfessionalKill 1000 zombies for all time.
Rifle AdvancedKill 500 zombies with a rifle.
Rifle BegginerKill 100 zombies with a rifle.
Rifle MasterKill 1000 zombies with a rifle.
RunnerRun 5 kilometers in a game.
SentinelRestore 5000 of a bulletproof vest.
ShieldUse a shield.
Shotgun AdvancedKill 100 zombies with a shotgun.
Shotgun BegginerKill 50 zombies with a shotgun.
Shotgun MasterKill 500 zombies with a shotgun.
SurvivorRestore 5000 health points.
UnlimUse an unlimited ammo.
Unreal ScoreEarn 1 000 000 points for a game.
Where is My Brains?Get 20 headshots in a row.