WALL-E (PlayStation 2)


All bonus features

Enter the following password at the options menu: WALL-E, Auto, EVE, Security Bot as a password.

All game content

Enter the following password at the options menu: M-O, Auto, Security Bot, EVE as a password.

Alternate costumes

Enter the following password at the options menu: Security Bot, WALL-E, M-O, Auto as a password.


Enter the following password at the options menu: WALL-E, M-O, Auto, M-O as a password.

Make any cube at anytime

Enter the following password at the options menu: Auto, M-O, Auto, M-O as a password.

Various Codes

Head to the in-game cheats menu and insert the codes listed below for the corresponding result.

BOTOFMYSTERY - Wall-E wears goggles
BOTOFWAR - Brutally kill all in range
EXPLOSIVEWORLD - All regular cubes become explosive
GLOWINTHEDARK - Dark areas become lit-up
GOLDENTRACKS - Tracks are made of gold
RAINBOWBLASTER - Lasers cycle colors
STEALTHARMOR - Enemies can’t see you

Wall-E with Super Laser Blaster

Enter the following password at the options menu: WALL-E, EVE, EVE, WALL-E as a password.