Namco Museum Essentials (PlayStation 3)

Dig Dug: Stamps

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding stamp.

StampHow to unlock
CarrotGrab the Carrot.
Complete DigSuccessfully dig the entire level.
CucumberGrab the Cucumber.
EggplantGrab the Eggplant.
Green PepperGrab the Green Pepper.
MushroomGrab the Mushroom.
No DigComplete the level without digging.
PineappleGrab the Pineapple.
Quad SquashSuccessfully squash 4 enemies with one rock.
TomatoGrab the Tomato.
TurnipGrab the Turnip.
WatermelonGrab the Watermelon.

Dragon Spirit: Stamps

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding stamp.

StampHow to unlock
EarthquakeCollect the Earthquake power-up.
EnduranceSuccessfully survive against a boss under a timed limit without killing him.
Fire BreathCollect the Fire Breath power-up.
Homing FireCollect the Homing Fire power-up.
IncubationCollect the Incubation power-up.
MaximumSuccessfully get 3 heads and 6 fire power orbs without getting hit.
Over The JungleGet to the Jungle Area.
Power DownCollect the Power Down power-up.
Power WingCollect the Power Wing power-up.
Small DragonCollect the Small Dragon power-up.
Small N WideCollect the Small Dragon, followed by Wide Fire without getting hit.
Wide FireCollect the Wide Fire power-up.

Galaga: Stamps

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding stamp.

StampHow to unlock
Blue SpaceshipDestroy the Blue Spaceship.
Boss AlienDestroy the Boss Alien.
Destroy FighterSuccessfully destroy your captured ship.
DragonflyDestroy the Dragonfly.
Dual FighterSuccessfully destroy the enemy holding your ship captive.
MapleDestroy the Maple.
PerfectWin a perfect game in the Challenging Stage.
ScorpionDestroy the Scorpion.
Stage 10Reach Stage 10.
Stage 20Reach Stage 20.
Stage 30Reach Stage 30.
StingrayDestroy the Stingray.

Pac-Man: Stamps

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding stamp.

StampHow to unlock
1600Eat all the ghost after eating a single Power Pellet.
1600X2Do the above task twice in one round.
AppleEat the Apple that appears in Round 5 or 6.
BellEat the Bell that appears in Round 11 or 12.
Big EaterComplete Round 21.
CherryEat the Cherry that appears in Round 1.
GalbossEat the Galboss that appears in Round 9 or 10.
IntermediateComplete Round 5.
KeyEat the Key that appears after Round 13.
MelonEat the Melon that appears in Round 7 or 8.
OrangeEat the Orange that appears in Round 3 or 4.
StrawberryEat the Strawberry that appears in Round 2.


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Dig Dug Rookie (Bronze)Obtained four Dig Dug stamps.
Dig Dug Veteran (Silver)Obtained all Dig Dug stamps.
Dragon Spirit Rookie (Bronze)Obtained four Dragon Spirit stamps.
Dragon Spirit Veteran (Silver)Obtained all Dragon Spirit stamps.
Galaga Rookie (Bronze)Obtained four Galaga stamps.
Galaga Veteran (Silver)Obtained all Galaga stamps.
Pac-Man Rookie (Bronze)Obtained four Pac-Man stamps.
Pac-Man Veteran (Silver)Obtained all Pac-Man stamps.
Xevious Resurrection Veteran (Gold)Obtained all Xevious Resurrection stamps.
Xevious Rookie (Bronze)Obtained four Xevious stamps.
Xevious Veteran (Silver)Obtained all Xevious stamps.

Xevious Resurrection: Stamps

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding stamp.

StampHow to unlock
100 ItemsCollected 100 shield items.
4 At OnceSuccessfully destroy 4 ground enemies with one bomb.
All ClearDestroyed the Final Boss.
Boss 12 ClearDestroyed the Level 12 Boss.
Boss 9 ClearDestroyed the Level 9 Boss.
Enemy CollectorSuccessfully shot or bombed all enemies.
Free PlayPlay Xevious Resurrection 50 times.
Laser Cancel 100Used your shields against lasers 100 times.
No Shield ClearSuccessfully clear a level without using your shields.
No Weapon ClearSuccessfully clear a level without shooting and bombing.
Sol DiscoveredSuccessfully found the hidden Sol Citadel.
SP Flag FoundSuccessfully found the hidden SP Flag.