Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time HD (PlayStation 3)

Completely refills all sand tanks

Hold L3: Circle, Circle, X, Square, Square, X, Triangle, Triangle.

PoP first level in 3D

Start a new game. Stay on the balcony and hold L3 (Left Analog stick). Then, quickly input the following cheat code.

Unlocks the original Prince of Persia's level in 3D!X, Square, Triangle, O, Triangle, X, Square, O.

Secret Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Full Circle (Silver)Activate castle's defenses.
One Hard Decision (Gold)Defeat your father.
Sword of Strength (Silver)Obtain the first sword.
The Big Fight (Gold)Kill the vizier.
The Elevator (Gold)Survive the elevator fight.
Ultimate Sword (Gold)Obtain the third Sword.


Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 3 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Game Master (Gold)Complete the game rewinding the time less than 20 times.
Master of Time (Silver)Rewind time 200 times.
Prince of Persia (Platinum)Obtain all other trophies.
Prince of Sand (Gold)Finish the game.
Sand Apprentice (Silver)Kill 150 enemies.
Sand Bearer (Silver)Obtain the Dagger of Time.
Sand Collector (Gold)Collect all 48 Sand Clouds.
Sand Warrior (Gold)Kill 300 enemies.
Sands of Time (Silver)Play the game for over 10 hours.
Secret of Argabah (Gold)Find and drink from all hidden fountains.