Penguin Wars (PlayStation 4)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
Candytarian (Silver)Eat 400 candies.
Classical style (Gold)Knock out with All Ball Attack.
Dawn to dusk, Gira Ball (Gold)Defeat all shadow bosses.
Flirt rodent (Silver)Defeat Dylan.
Flyer collector (Silver)Get all Gira Skills.
Gira Ball champion (Platinum)All trophies acquired.
Great Gira juggler (Gold)Catch the ball 10 times in a battle.
Immobility hitch hiker (Silver)Defeat Alex.
Junglingual (Silver)Defeat Samuel.
Let's get a little close (Silver)1 win in Extra Mode.
Let's get very close (Gold)Get an S rank in Extra Mode.
Mighty rabbit (Gold)No wins in Extra Mode.
Penguins over the sky (Gold)Defeat Randy.
Tumble sheep (Silver)Defeat Jeff.
Ultra Gira spinner (Gold)Reflect the ball 10 times in a battle.
Waking or sleeping, Gira Ball (Gold)Defeat all angry shadow bosses.
You can order extra fat (Gold)Eat a Gira Gira Noodle.
Yume kawaii (Silver)Defeat Cassie.