Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360)



Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
A for effort ( 25 points )Attain a Time Trial star rating of 35
aaaand safe! ( 30 points )String together the following: wallrun, jump, coil (over obstacle), skill roll
Access all areas ( 20 points )Unlock all Time Trial stretches
Baby steps ( 20 points )Attain a Time Trial star rating of 20
Back on the job ( 10 points )Complete the Tutorial
Bag lady ( 20 points )Find all three hidden bags in one chapter
Chapter 1 Complete ( 20 points )Complete Chapter 1 in story mode
Chapter 1 Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 1 below the target time.
Chapter 2 Complete ( 20 points )Complete Chapter 2 in story mode
Chapter 2 Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 2 below the target time.
Chapter 3 Complete ( 20 points )Complete Chapter 3 in story mode
Chapter 3 Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 3 below the target time.
Chapter 4 Complete ( 20 points )Complete Chapter 4 in story mode
Chapter 4 Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 4 below the target time.
Chapter 5 Complete ( 20 points )Complete Chapter 5 in story mode
Chapter 5 Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 5 below the target time.
Chapter 6 Complete ( 20 points )Complete Chapter 6 in story mode
Chapter 6 Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 6 below the target time.
Chapter 7 Complete ( 20 points )Complete Chapter 7 in story mode
Chapter 7 Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 7 below the target time.
Chapter 8 Complete ( 20 points )Complete Chapter 8 in story mode
Chapter 8 Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 8 below the target time.
Chapter 9 Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 9 below the target time.
Free flowing ( 25 points )String together the following: wallrun, jump, speedvault
Head over heels ( 20 points )Complete a chapter of the game without ending up in a heavy landing
Martial artist ( 10 points )Perform a melee hit from a wallrun
May I have this dance? ( 30 points )String together the following: wallrun, turn, jump, wallclimb, turn, jump
Mine! ( 15 points )Perform 15 successful disarms (outside of the tutorial)
On the clock ( 10 points )Beat the qualifier time on any Time Trial stretch
Pacifist ( 15 points )Complete a chapter without firing a gun
Packrat ( 80 points )Find all 30 hidden bags
Pro runner ( 80 points )Complete story mode on hard difficulty.
Prologue Complete ( 20 points )Complete the Prologue in story mode
Prologue Speedrun ( 10 points )Complete a Speedrun of the Prologue below the target time.
Ran out of fingers ( 30 points )Find 11 hidden bags
Still counting ( 30 points )Attain a Time Trial star rating of 50
Tango down ( 15 points )Knock out 20 enemies in melee combat
Test of Faith ( 80 points )Complete the game without shooting an enemy
That's a wrap ( 60 points )Complete the story mode on any difficulty
Untouchable ( 15 points )Complete a chapter without getting shot
Up, over, under, onwards ( 25 points )String together the following: jump, coil (over obstacle), slide (under obstacle)
Vrooom! ( 40 points )Maintain sprint speed for 30 seconds.

Hard Mode

Upon completion of the main story mode, Hard mode is unlocked. In hard mode, enemies are generally much stronger and, most importantly, runner vision is automatically turned off.

New Edgen: Battlefield: Bad Company reference

There is an elevator with a scrolling news ticker than mentions a story about Sedaristan. This is a country in Battlefield: Bad Company, another game made by DICE.

Pure Time Trials DLC Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
Dicey launch ( 30 points )String together: slide, wallrun, wall climb, turn, jump.
Superstar ( 100 points )Attain a Time Trial star rating of 90.
Surreptitious swing ( 30 points )String together: springboard, wallrun, turn, swing, jump.
The twister ( 30 points )String together: wallclimb, turn, swing, wallclimb, turn, swing, jump.
To explore strange new worlds ( 30 points )Attain a Time Trial star rating of 75.
U-turn ( 30 points )String together: wallrun, wallrun, turn, swing, jump.

Secret Achievement (Hey, its'a me!)

This Mario Brothers task is done by landing atop an enemy, as as Faith's feet touches the enemy, press attack. Jumping is required to give Faith the force needed to end the stomp.

Secret Achievement (Sweet Goodbye)

When approaching an enemy, jump by them, quick turn, and press attack. Faith will give the enemy a rude gesture (British, not American).


Sliding keeps your momentum from failing you. When you encounter a low pipe, press [Down Action] to slide instead of jumping. You can recover smoothly in comparison to jumping.


Upon completion of the main story mode, Speedrun is unlocked. In Speedrun, it is just the fastest running time within chapters, just like Time Trial.

Time Trial levels

This requires the Pure Time Trials bonus downloadable content. Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding level in Time Trial mode.

LevelHow to unlock
ArlandComplete Chapter 1 in Story mode.
Atrium 1Beat a qualifying time on Convoy 2.
Atrium 2Beat a qualifying time on Atrium 1.
BurfieldBeat a qualifying time on Heat.
ChaseComplete Chapter 2 in Story mode.
Convoy 1Complete Chapter 8 in Story mode.
Convoy 2Beat a qualifying time on Convoy 1.
Cranes 1Beat a qualifying time on Burfield.
Cranes 2Complete Chapter 4 in Story mode.
EdgeComplete the Prologue in Story mode.
FactoryComplete Chapter 6 in Story mode.
FlightBeat a qualifying time on Arland.
HeatComplete Chapter 3 in Story mode.
New EdenComplete Chapter 5 in Story mode.
OfficeComplete Chapter 7 in Story mode.
Playground 1Complete the Training Area in Story mode.
Playground 2Beat a qualifying time on Playground 1.
Playground 3Beat a qualifying time on Playground 2.
Shard 1Complete Chapter 9 in Story Mode.
Shard 2Beat a qualifying time on Shard 1.
Stormdrains 1Beat a qualifying time on Chase.
Stormdrains 2Beat a qualifying time on Stormdrain 1.
Stormdrains 3Beat a qualifying time on Stormdrain 2.