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Nintendo DS - Super Princess Peach screenshot


Super Princess Peach

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Walkthroughs for Super Princess Peach on Nintendo DS

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Super Princess Peach Cheats

Set the system time to day or night.

Hint - Toad #3 (World 2, Level 3)
Go to the tube at the end of that grassy land/area go down the tube that works. After that, go down and to the right until you reach the bottom. Then you cry on the wheel until the caption says something about a loud noise. Then go to the right and into that tube.

You end up at around the same area you statred. Go down the tube you came up in and go down past the two chompers, or until you reach a tube sticking out from the ground. Go down that tube and then go to the right. Watch out for the big bullet dudes! Keep going right until you see the toad's box in the small space between those breakable boxes. | Submitted by Billbo_mambo

Successfully complete the game to unlock the Dash Attack Kassa move. This move allows you to attack while dashing by pressing Y or B.

If you need to refil the yellow bar below your heart, find a safe place to stand still with no enemies nearby that can harm you. Allow Peach to stand idle and do not use the touch screen or controls. The umbrella will cover Peach's head and the bar will refill.

Successfully complete all levels twice, all mini-games once, and clear the Music History and Puzzles. The Endless Fever item will now be available for purchase at the shop at no cost. This item allows your Emotion gauge to always remain full.

Accumulate all the Toads in each area.

If you read what Perry says in a level in Hoo Wood's (the Perry Block thing) you'll hear that if you press R + START (don't use A or it won't work) you'll play a opening minigame, where you use Toad to calm other toads down and stuffs.

To get a lot of points in that minigame, and see the cut-scene on the Top Screen, grab Toad and while you're doing that go to either the left or right side of the screen then swing your stylus up and down the screen. | Submitted by Billbo_mambo

First, you must have the CHARGE SODA. Then go to 5-2. Use Joy until you go across and see a platform. Go on it and jump over the warp pipe. Hit all the koopas and 5 coins should pop out per Koopa. You should get a few each try. Go to the next warp pipe, head and repeat. You now have endless money.

Hold R and press start at the title screen.

When Peach's vibe gauge is running low, and you need to use one of her vibes, do not restart the level. All Peach needs to do is find any monster, pick it up with X and tap down (which makes Perry eat it). If you continue doing this, Peach will soon have full vibe. | Submitted by Billbo_mambo

Do you remember in world 2, 5, and 6 where the Perry Block tells you about a star-shaped enemy? For those who want to see him, go to the following areas:

Hoo's Wood (Level Five): In the second room, if you see a Starfish doing the backstroke, wait until he jumps out of the water. Then nail him as many times as possible.

Wavy Beach (Level 5): In the last room, walk as slow as molasses by holding L or R. When you see a Starfish sleeping on a towel, walk (still holding L or R) over to it and give it a rude awakening.

Gleam Glacier (Level 4): In the last room, you will see a Starfish on the platform above you. Run until you reach the hill, then use the Gloom vibe and DASH like heck. If you are ahead, stop bawling and teach him karate with an umbrella.

Starfish will only appear in these rooms 30% of the time, so if he's not there or he escapes, exit the room (but not the level) and reenter the room.

If you play the game in daytime (in relation to your DS's internal clock), the title screen will be displayed with a daytime theme; whereas if you play it at night, everything on the title screen will be dark, and Peach will be asleep on a cloud!

The second level in Hoo's Woods, there is a third Toad in a "secret" area that you get to only by going into the first tube you see from entering the second level. (A.K.A the tube that leads into the grassy land with the spiky turtle dude.)

Keep walking untill you reach end of that scene. Go down the tube that leads to the little ant dudes in on the islands that are floating in the air. Go to the tube at the end that leads to the place with that flying dude on a cloud. Keep going untill you reach the two tubes. Go into the one that is sticking up because the one in the ground doesn't let you go into it.

You come up into the place were there is a lot of water and a fish and a wheel. go over to the wheel and go onto the dry land. after that, start crying on the wheel until a little caption says, "a loud noise is coming from somewhere!" Go back into the tube you came from and then go ionto the smaller tube. This leads you into the "secret" area.

Go to the left and burn down the bridge. Go right again and get all those coins. After that, go left and fall strait down. Find the toad and finish the level. | Submitted by Billbo_mambo

Buy the Courage Soda at the shop for 1,000 coins. Play a level and attack a monster. You will obtain 5 coins. Walk out of view of where the monster was found. Return and the monster should be there again. Kill the monster to get another 5 coins. Repeat this as many times as desired.

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